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most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.

the search epilogue (6 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum
jæja þá er þetta komið. sagan hefur verið sögð og öll leyndarmál afhjúpuð. hvað á maður að segja á svona tímamótum? þetta hefur verið gaman og þetta hefur verið erfitt á stundum. oftar en ekki komst ekkert í verk á föstudögum vegna þess að ég var alltof seinn með söguna.og stundum þurfti maður að sleppa eða seinka einhverju útaf því að ég þurfti að asnast eitthvað með samtöl á milli persóna og þurfti þá náttúrulega að setja gæsalappir á alla mögulega og ómögulega staði. en oftar en ekki...

the search 94 kafli the conclusion (7 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum
jæja þá er næstum komið að því,hinn eiginlegi lokakafli.Ekki örvænta strax, það kemur enn einn í viðbót. En þetta er sá síðasti í hinni eiginlegu sögu. vona að hann falli ykkur að geði. en já í næstu viku kemur hinn raunverulegi lokakafli. þangað til. enjoy 94th chapter The conclusion He had walked through planes which no one had seen before. He had seen worlds where the burning crusade won in the first war. He had seen an empire of gnomes that spread over all under the starlit sky. And he...

the search 94 kafli A time to die (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum
jæja þá er maður kominn úr útlandinu.í þetta skiptið hef ég aðeins þetta að segja. ef þið farið til london og hittið mann með leikfanga asna um hálsinn að betla fyrir asnamat,,, í guðanna bænum gefið manninum peninga. take it from me. allavega enjoy 93rd chapter. A time to die Manvalas forced the roots to land on the side of the mountain and set Ankthar down saying: I don’t know what’s going to happen now. It’s for the best if you find a place to keep safe. this can’t end well. And with that...

the search 92 kafli A time to live (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 1 mánuði
jæja þessi kemur nú ekki svo seint. en það er nú venja að þegar menn útskrifast að fara í þesskonar útskriftarferð og svalla á erlendri grund. þess vegna kemur því miður ekki annar kafli fyrr en 19. janúar.sorry mates og þeir sem hafa spilað bishock til enda eða eytt lífinu að lesa biblíuna munu vita hvað hann mun heita. allavega, sé ykkur þá. enjoy 92nd chapter A time to live And the elements met and the air was shattered. the green energy was strengthened by manvalas's poem and for a...

the search 91 kafli A season to all things (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 1 mánuði
sorry sprry hvað kaflinn kemur seint var að útskrifast og vesen. allavega enjoy 91st chapter A season to all things Deathwing was wary of what had just happened. It all seemed too convenient and unplanned for his taste. Deathwing was a mastermind, a schemer, planning things years in advance making sure that every aspect of his plan was perfect. he had planned to use Sira’dreth to release him, not some crazy elf and a suicidal gnome. This whole thing smelled of a setup. But the idea of...

Orrustan við Marne: aðdragandi og áhrif (8 álit)

í Sagnfræði fyrir 17 árum, 1 mánuði
jæja var að gera þessa ritgerð í riterðaráfanga í sögu og var að skila henni í dag, væri gaman að vita hvað ykkur finnst um hana, gagnrýnið og ræðið að vild. það voru þó nokkur kort og myndir en þær voru of stórar. Orrustan við Marne: aðdragandi og áhrif Inngangur Næstum allar orrustur sem vert er að minnast á hafa það sameiginlegt að úrslit þeirra skiptu sköpum í framvindu sögunnar. Bardaginn við Waterloo, umsátrið um Stalingrad, bardaginn við Poitier og fleiri slíkir bera vitni um það. En...

the search 90 kafli The savior of the broken, the beaten and the downed. (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 2 mánuðum
afsakið hvað kaflinn kemur seint skrifplanið er dáldið breytt svona þegar maður er að vinna. allavega enjoy 90th chapter The savior of the broken, the beaten and the downed. They were careful not to kill anyone. Of course casualties could not be avoided, the entire citadel seemed to have charged upon them. Manvalas summoned roots from below the concrete to rise and entangle most of the incoming enemies. Wisim quickly created shields the blocked the rest of the incoming drakes and Ankthar...

the search 89 kafli And uncover the meaning and the end of it all (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 2 mánuðum
89th chapter And uncover the meaning and the end of it all We have to get over there, was the rallying call that came from Ankthar. He readied his weapon and jumped atop Ysera. “All right giddy up then drake” he yelled as he held tight onto her neck. Ysera of course was still in her elven form and did not take kindly on full grown elves jumping on her back. She shook him off, picked Sira’dreth up, and ran off to a nearby cliff and jumped down. From beyond the cliff rose a gargantuan dragon...

the search 88 kafli The final flight of Mizra (1 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 2 mánuðum
The search 88. chapter The final flight of Mizra She had never travelled so fast. She had never flown so fast. She no longer heard sounds in her ears, only constant pressure of the air as it thundered by her head. She was driven by a cause, a right cause and just. She was ridding the world of evil Something the aspects hadn’t done for all their chances on possibilities. She needed to kill Deathwing. She needed to rid the world of his corrupting influence. Deathwing was the cause of this, his...

the search 87 kafli revalation (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 2 mánuðum
jæja þetta er kaflinn sem ég hef verið að bíða eftir að skrifa þennan kafla frá því að ég byrjaði. í þessum kafla er þetta allt útskýrt, hvað er í gangi og hvað þetta hefur allt snúist um. sorry hvað kaflinn kemur seint var að dimmitera í gær. allavega enjoy 87th chapter revalation There is a certain dramatic romance in holding a dying loved one in your arms. Time slows down until it moves at a crawl, words become muffled, everything seems to glow with instensity never seen before and the...

the search 86. kafli Betrayal (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 3 mánuðum
86th chapter betrayal She was not in her place of power. The world was neither bright nor gleaming in snow. It was dark and hard, breaking her heart every moment she wasted there. The power returned and the mission was clear. This was the end of the team and the ascend of something greater. But first something needed to be done that no one had dared to. The mission was clear. Tables were being turned in the mansion by the lake Elune‘ara. Roots held a dark hand in place in front of Manvalas‘s...

the search 85 kafli whatever comes next (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 3 mánuðum
jæja þá er bardaginn loksins búinn og síðasti hlutinn hægt og rólega klárast.mér reiknast svo til að það séu um 10 kaflar eða svo eftir. líklegast til fleiri miðað við hvernig þetta hefur gengið. allavega enjoy 85th chapter whatever comes next The sky began to clear. The final infernals fell from the sky in droves. Little rays of light broke through the clouds and shone like pillars of sun in the dark valley, bringing the forces of nature hope and assured them that powers beyond their...

the search 84 kafli Discover the glory of the death kings fall part 3 (1 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 3 mánuðum
sorry hvað kaflinn kemur sient. dálítið mikið að gera. 84th chapter Discover the glory of the death kings fall part 3 Light filled the valley and thousand screams joined as they were torn from their bodies. The light destroyed every part of every bound that kept the undead under control. And as the screams died out from every torn neck and mouth every undead soldier fell down, the bodies kicking and punching uncontrollably in the air. Their souls were being drained form their bodies, their...

the search 83 kafli discover the glory of the death kings fall part 2 (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 3 mánuðum
83rd chapter Discover the glory of the death kings fall The pain was overcoming her. Her hand was gone, blood pouring through the wound, she knew where the hand lay, knew how to put it back and knew what it would mean if she spent one more second agonizing over it. But the pain was so great, so paralyzing, so immense, that her lifeless palm seemed miles away. Yet she got up, and walked those miles for what seemed to her to be like hours. She fell down on the hand, and grabbed it with. She...

the search 82. kafli Discover the glory of the Death kings fall part 1 (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 3 mánuðum
82nd chapter Discover the glory of the Death kings fall part 1 And so came to pass that at last, five years since the battle of Northrend and six months since Exen´tor escaped from the stronghold of the frozen throne that the gatekeepers were finally reunited. And before them was the unending horde of the lich king Arthas Menethil. And the lich king himself striding towards them through his ranks, neither anger nor hate flowing through him but emotions far beyond the understanding of...

the search 81. kafli we'll be there (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 4 mánuðum
81th chapter we’ll be there His head was throbbing, he could feel his heart pound the blood though his body and every beat hurt. A darkness lay over him, a multitude of sounds, voices beyond his hearing thundered all around. He saw Ankthars face in front of him, eyes closed in agony, and whimpers escaping his closed mouth. Wisim grunted as he held his hands to his head, the pain was mind numbing and it didn’t stop, it would never stop he was sure of it. He knew the pain wasn’t coming from...

the search 80. kafli when friendship turns to dust (4 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 4 mánuðum
vhúff kafli nr 80, aldrei datt mér í hug að þessi saga gæti orðið svona löng.þetta er allt siru og miszru að kenna, ef þær gætu kannski ákveðið einn personuleika þá væriþessi saga löngu búinn. jæja það er víst bæði gjöf og bölvun. allavega enjoy 80th chapter When friendship turns to dust It was a dark and a cold place, a cave made of something he had never seen before. Ice possibly, but it had moved away from that, ice so incredibly enchanted with magic that it had lost its properties as a...

The search 79. kafli when fire falls from the sky (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 4 mánuðum
jæja þá er þessi kafli úr vegi. ég verð að segja að það er fátt skemmtilegra en að skrifa bardaga; sérstaklega þegar um er að ræða jafn fjölhæfa menn og wisim. þegar hann á í hlut þá er erfitt að halda í við möguleikana á kröftum hans. í þessum kafla fara hlutirnir að gerast fyrir alvöru og sá sem mun svíkja liðið sýnir sýna réttu liti. allavega enjoy 79th chapter When fire falls from the sky Mesfer was in ecstasy. his wings were bloody and torn from the initial attack, his torso was sore...

the search 77 kafli when hope shines dim (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 4 mánuðum
78th chapter. When hope shines dim Mavalas was at the end of his rope. He had no more power. Cut off from nature and already having spent his energy he was at his last pool of power. With his staff he spun around slashing and breaking the gargoyles. He imbued his moves with energy which at this point was all that was holding him up. He recited a poem and his voice boomed over the valley. „Feel the ending, feel the fall Feel the power that‘s yours through it all And this is the power, this is...

the search 77 kafli when heroes fail (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 5 mánuðum
jæja ennþá með sama office vandamálið svo að það eru líklegast til þó nokkrar villur í gangi. en það ætti þó að vera nokkurn veginn í lagi. allavega enjoy 77th Chapter when heroes fail And they came from thick clouds as if borne by the thunders that ravaged the sky around them. Hundred strange blue creatures clumsily riding hippogryphs and gryphons, wielding hammers and swords made of purple crystals. With frostwind, teddy and rusynja in front, they charged at the undead air force The storm...

the search 76 kafli infernals and ancients (5 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 5 mánuðum
æuff þvílik vika, talvan búinn að vera í tónmu tjóni,búinn að þurfa að skipta um móðurborð og allskoanr kjaftæði. alalvega það er ástæðan fyrir því að kaflinn kemur svona hrikalega seint og líka ástæðan fyrri margskonar villum í textanum, þar sem ég þurfti að losa mig við windows og þar með office. bara úff. allavega hér kemur næsti kafli enjoy 76th chapter infernals and ancients the valley was filled with screams. The air was thick with blood and guts. A bear head flew past her view, its...

the search 75 kafli the battle of irontree woods (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 5 mánuðum
jæja hér kemur kaflinn, meira að segja á réttum degi. 75th chapter The battle of irontree woods Of course Arthas was not accompanied with the entire scourge. Putting the entire undead host into one concentrated force would have taken months, even years of planning and building. So what the druids faced here was the elite force, the greatest and strongest of his forces. Arachnids from the deepest pits of the spider kingdom. Fully armored massive skeletons and zombies, necromancers with...

the search 74 kafli the unending horde (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 5 mánuðum
74th chapter the unending horde Surrounded by squawking vultures, soaring eagles and chirping songbirds they flew. The flew over the ancient lands of the night elves which seemed to have taken a life on its own and started moving on its own,. They were quiet in their awe as the saw that they were far from being the only ones traveling north. Mizra and sira’dreth automatically increased their speed leaving Ankthar having to urge the tired gryphon forward. Behind them the world was puzzled as...

the search 73 kafli getting to tha' damned place (0 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 6 mánuðum
73rd chapter Getting to tha’ damned place Ankthar was grumbling. it was more or less his usual grumbling in his elven form, except this time he wasting in front of Exen’tor who was now quickly beginning to think that letting Mesfer take over his mind wasn’t such a bad idea if it would only mute Ankthar for a little while. Ankthar was sitting in front of Exen’tor on the gryphon and let his voice carry out his mumbling as far as the wind would bear them. Apparently only one of their gryphons...

the search 72 kafli the call of felwood (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 6 mánuðum
72nd chapter the call of felwood He opened his eyes and noticed how everything had lost its green hue. For a second he worried but then he realized that this probably meant that Mesfer was far away for now. He looked around, seeing the trees move slowly in the breeze that moved the forest of feralas, taking note of how peaceful a nearby bird was , sitting on a branch that heaved slowly and surely. The bird looked around , as if pondering what to do next in his carefree and boundless life....
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..