The search 88. chapter

The final flight of Mizra

She had never travelled so fast. She had never flown so fast. She no longer heard sounds in her ears, only constant pressure of the air as it thundered by her head.
She was driven by a cause, a right cause and just. She was ridding the world of evil Something the aspects hadn’t done for all their chances on possibilities. She needed to kill Deathwing. She needed to rid the world of his corrupting influence.
Deathwing was the cause of this, his insanity and the insanity he would undoubtedly give her sister was the cause. The book had told her. Or what little scraps she had when she asked the question. History would repeat itself. Someone would betray the others. And Sira’dreth was the heir of Deathwing, she was the most likely to betray them. This was obvious to Mizra. This was logical.
She needed to take whatever steps necessary, even if that meant killing her sister. Then she was going to do something someone should have done ages ago.
She was going to kill Deathwing.
A shore came in sight at the end of the horizon.

Suddenly everything made sense to Wisim, their powers, their newfound abilities.
The magic that wasn’t magic was just another kind of dragons breath.
Everything clicked and fell in place with the rest of the larger picture. He looked at Exen’tor who was deeply entrenched in his own hands.
In his mind all was falling apart.
Illidan was insane? A crazed tyrant who ruled an empire of slaves with propaganda?
How did that happen? when? why? And he was an aspect of the world? What did that mean? They weren’t the gatekeepers anymore? They weren’t going to outland? And why did Mizra attack Sira’dreth? Why? How could the team fall apart so quickly? How could the world fall apart so brutally?
His hands gripped his hair and pulled. His eyes went madly from darkness to golden. His skin changed color rapidly, the darkness appeared, golden sand built atop it and normal skin was pushed away. Sand began swirling around him and time began to warp. He was one of the aspects. He had the powers of the timeless one. And as he came in touch with his powers he felt the madness of time wash over him.
Exen’tor was slowly losing it.

Ankthar who had played a minor role in what was happening and had been hiding in a tree nearby looked at Exen’tor with pity and jumped down and turned to Ysera: “what are we waiting for exactly? You’ve told them the news, and now we need to help Sira’dreth.”
Wisim stood up and touched her daughter’s face and then looked at Ysera: “We have to go to Alekstrasza to help my daughter and we have to go now enough time has been wasted.”
Ysera looked at Exen’tor and then at Sira’dreth.
“This isn’t exactly what i should call an auspicious start, Ysera remarked. Your leader is melting away, the heir of Deathwing is practically dead and Malygos has hardly given you any part of his powers. Not to mention the runaway patron of life.”
Frostwind came in view, frost still clinging to his clothes.
“I couldn’t care less”, he said.” I don’t care if its not auspicious or perfect, good or bad.
She hurt her! And she will pay.” Because of the squeaky voice the gnome was a bit hard to take serious but something shone in his eyes that told all present that laughing at his determination would not be the best course of action.
Wisim who had spent a lot of time during the second war in the wetlands had already begun a spell, and a rift was formed in the air beside him. The portal opened and he picked up his daughter carefully and walked through. Ankthar in his elven form followed suit and so did Ysera. Only Manvalas hesitated in front of Exen’tor.
He took hold of his metamorphosing body and carried him whimpering through the portal. He stumbled upon a land with a dark sky and frozen ground. The others stood there petrified as they watched three massive dragons battle something near the horizon. And suddenly he realized that Exen’tor was nowhere to be found.

She descended upon the unwary dwarves as a goddess, her wings glowing wild with energy, her eyes shining bright with power. Frostbolt after frostbolt landed on them as they tried to battle the sudden intruder. Arrows, bullets and axes flew towards her poised to hit. All were stopped by cubes of ice forming suddenly and blocking each projectile. She killed no one but left them immobilized, somehow killing them seemed to be unthinkable to her. She landed on the hills opposed to Grim Batol, the dwarves had been on a constant scouting mission for years now, vigilant over the new fortress of the red dragonflight.
Mizra saw the great gates of the ancient Wildhammer stronghold and the dragons walking around it. Three massive giants stood in front, immobile as if made of stone. The insides were lit by fires. The sun rose beyond the mountains. Dawn was coming. In more ways than one.
Her eyes narrowed and the sky darkened. she jumped upp and let herself fall towards the guardian dragons.
As she descended slowly with her beating wings, ice fell on the wetlands. Not snow, for snow would melt on its way down from the sky, but ice that froze as it touched the ground. The dragons were startled as it seemed that heaven itself had turned its face against them. They speed against the incoming intruder but stopped dead cold when they saw her.
Mizra was slowly landing on the ground in front of them, her eyes glowing wild, her wings at their greatest height, surrounded and clad by fallen ice she was quite the spectacle.
Axtroz whispered in his rumbling voice: it’s her.
She spoke and every living being around shivered: “Dragons, your time is at an end. You will now make way for me. I will kill Deathwing this day.”
Stand in my way and I will not guarantee survival.
Axtroz bowed his head and answered: “Great one. We cannot do that.Deathwing is not to be killed. And you cannot be here. it is not time.”
“I gave you a warning dragon. I am going in and none of you can stop me.”
She walked towards the gates, and the dragons opposed her. What followed was battle that shook the ground beneath them and baffled all who saw.
Three great dragons fought a lone woman in the air. They clawed and bit. They spew fire and beat their wings in her face. They were creatures of thousand years. Immortal lest killed in battle and these dragons had fought through many.
And Mizra was winning.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.