vhúff kafli nr 80, aldrei datt mér í hug að þessi saga gæti orðið svona löng.þetta er allt siru og miszru að kenna, ef þær gætu kannski ákveðið einn personuleika þá væriþessi saga löngu búinn. jæja það er víst bæði gjöf og bölvun.

80th chapter
When friendship turns to dust

It was a dark and a cold place, a cave made of something he had never seen before. Ice possibly, but it had moved away from that, ice so incredibly enchanted with magic that it had lost its properties as a thing of this world and was more or less something new, a new universe on every flake.
He touched the wall in front of him, it was warm, not with heat but with energy. He saw a blue light shining from the inside of the cave, an ominous light that did not seem healthy or normal.
Even still he walked towards it, his every step guided by a will he recognized to be greater than his own.
Wisim entered a cavern, so massive that even with the blue dim lights shining all around he did not see any end to it.
And in the middle there was a dragon. A dragon so big that Wisim feared that if it would snort in impatience he would be blown away to the next world.
He closed his eyes and rubbed them, nothing so big could possibly exist. He opened them again and the dragon was gone.
He sighed in relief and looked around to see if the dragon hadn’t just moved somewhere he couldn’t see him.
„Hello there mister“ a young voice said below his eye line.
Wisim shouted and grabbed the nearest pillar for defense, and hid behind.
A young boy not more than five years old was standing in front of him, holding his hands behind him and saying:” mister mister, i shrunk myself to help you talk to me, isn‘t that fun?”
Wisim said nothing and stayed behind his trusty pillar.
“Mister if you aren‘t going to talk to me”, the boy said in his innocent voice and then changed abruptly into something more sinister,” I’ll just have to eat you.” His eyes glowed red and his face became distorted with rage and hunger.
Wisim jumped out from the pillar holding his hands in front of him,”allright i‘m here i‘m here i‘m talking, just relax.”
“Silly mister” the boy replied with a smile, “i can‘t eat you, you‘re not really here”, his face turned away from Wisim and the dark voice came back: “why did you tell him that, he was afraid he‘d done what we‘d asked of him. Now he‘s just gonna kill everyone again.”
“No he‘s not he‘s not. He‘s going to begin again, a new beginning the second half of,”
“NOTHING, he‘s the second half of nothing, you have left him nothing, this is his kingdom of filth.”
“Look i‘m not keen on accelerating my process to the abyss, but you said you wanted to talk to me.”
The boy looked at him, the devils red eyes boring through him.
“He speaks to us, he SPEAKS TO ME. He speaks to the ruiner of worlds, the killer of kin the loser of life.”
“No i didn‘t kill them, and i must help him.”
Help him do what? Prolong his sufferings? Or maybe you are going to do something worthwhile and tell him what is going on?”“Listen i was in a big battle and i kind of passed out, so if this is hell, then you‘re really good at your job, but if not I’m in a kind of a hurry to get back if you know what I mean.”
“No! Can‘t go back until you‘ve had this.”
The boy opened his hand and held out a bright shining blue stone made of what seemed to be pure light.
Wisim took the stone and held it close to his eyes.
It shined brilliantly before him as if it had a life on its own.
How he wanted to be in his laboratory in un‘goru right now, to examine and test the strange substance.
Then the stone began melting. At first he though that it was simply eyes melting because of his body heat but then he saw that the stone wasn‘t melting away, it was melting into his skin. He suddenly felt a great jolt of pain as the stone began disappearing under his skin.
He held his arm tightly as a lightning charged up his spine.
“What,” he said, “WHAT IS THIS?”
“Its what you‘ve been waiting for.”

The sky was clear. Not a gargoyle or wyrm was left around them as they gathered to catch their breaths.
Sira’dreth was still glowing with fire and had to keep her distance not to burn Exen’tor. She smiled happily while stretching out in the air:” this was fun, seriously it was good to let some energy out after all that flying.”
Mizra shook some bones of her clothes and said, “yes it was, she looked down, but i don’t think we have a second to spare in chat, i can’t see it too clearly but i think father is in trouble.”
Exen’tor was off , but not towards Wisim and Ankthar, but towards the pillar of mud standing beside the petrified ancients.
“You help your father and Ankthar,” he said, “I have to get the last member of our little party.”
And with that he was off. Sira’dreth watched him go and then said to Mizra, “well i guess we have to help our…”
She was cut short as the sky turned to fire and death around her, arrows went straight through her but still hurt like hell, the fire didn’t really bother her but it was the bolts of darkness that really hit her , not only did the completely ignore her magical defenses but they amplified the voices up to the point where it became impossible to ignore them.
Her power vaned until depletion, she felt the air rushing around her as she began to fall to the ground, her identity lost in voices and laughter.
She tried hard to recite her poem but she couldn’t remember it, she couldn’t remember anything.
She was lost in a sea of voices where one voice was dominant, and that voice was laughing death.

Mizra felt the heat more intensely than Sira’dreth had but her shield took most of the initial damage, on reflex she raised her hands and created a wall of ice before her which blocked the arrows and the bolts. Although she felt their traumatizing corruption the bolts were not much of a problem to block.
She saw Sira’dreth fall down, and in her shock she did nothing.
She saw as the fire died out, as the glow vanished from her body, as she lost the sparkle that connected her and joined the dark and glum world of the enemy.
And she saw as she fell to he ground with an explosion, as she left a crater in the ground twice her size and how she rose from it with grin on her face, the kind of grin they had all feared and loathed for the past months.
And Sira’dreth laughed, the laugh a maniac would, the kind that chilled your soul to its very core.
And then she was off, the fire in her body lit once more, but more sinister colour and shape.
She let out a heart quivering whine as she soared towards Mizra who was still recovering from the blasts.
She saw her sisters charge and quickly raised her shields: frozen barricade.
A ball of ice circled her stronger than steel, more stubborn than a dwarf and more flexible than a night elf.
With a fireball so immensely hot, that its heat shook the people below Sira’dreth destroyed the barrier with ease leaving Mizra defenseless and bursting in the heat.
Sira’dreth readied another one , her hand stretched back but there was hesitation in her moves, a glimpse of sanity reflected in her eyes.
Mizra used it and lunged forward her hands and her mind already with a spell ready.
Sira’dreth shook her sanity away and fired the fireball, even larger and hotter than before.
A blast of frost appeared from nowhere stopping the fireball dead in its tracks.
Frozen shock, Mizra said her hands held out in front of her where the blast had appeared.
Sira’dreth let loose a scream that deafened any other sound in the valley and shot forward a steady stream of fire and lava heading directly towards Mizra.
Mizra waved her hands around molding and channeling her energy and whispered, rivers of ice!.
Massive amounts of ice appeared from her hands and shot towards Sira‘dreth.
In the middle the elements met and the valley was lit by colours of red and blue.
Mizra had no doubts of her actions and Sira’dreth had no sanity to think about them.

Mizra was not giving up, Sira’dreth was driven by the never-ending will of Arthas,Manvalas was hardly awake and Exen’tor sat by him and watched helplessly as the prophecy of the betrayal came true.
And Wisim opened his eyes, a power he had never known before flowing through him,
A poem constantly running through his mind.

most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.