æuff þvílik vika, talvan búinn að vera í tónmu tjóni,búinn að þurfa að skipta um móðurborð og allskoanr kjaftæði. alalvega það er ástæðan fyrir því að kaflinn kemur svona hrikalega seint og líka ástæðan fyrri margskonar villum í textanum, þar sem ég þurfti að losa mig við windows og þar með office.
bara úff.

allavega hér kemur næsti kafli

76th chapter
infernals and ancients

the valley was filled with screams. The air was thick with blood and guts. A bear head flew past her view, its eyes replaying the last moments of its life.
She felt a sharp rock poking her lungs, she was bleeding, internally. She had to get away, a moment or two to heal.
She turned away from the zombie and tried to crawl, she had to get away, she had to get away.
A sharp and unbearable pain shot through her stomach. Her screams mingled with the bellowing of ancients and the roars of bears and found its place among the injured and dying.
She clawed at the crass beneath her, praying to nature to lend her strength, praying to elune to give her a chance hopin that some of her friends would see her plight and come help her.
Yes she was not alone, she was with the host of nature, surely some of the animals would……
Her head was suddenly impaled by a rusted and bloody sword.
The zombie howled like an animal and rushed towards the next kill, a owlbear already dealing with three warriors and a necromancer.
Her eyes replayed her last moments.

The lines had crashed into each other,waves and waves of undead warriors clashing against blood crazed dire bears.
There was chaos, there was panic,there was sorrow, pain, death, noise and destruction.
The lines themselves had broken quickly leaving groups of allies and enemies surrounded. It was every man for himself, without help or reprieve.
And in the middle of all of this was manvalas, surrounded by spiritknights aominations and necromancers.
Armed with only his staff he had already spent much of his energy,and suffered heavy blows.
manvalas was covered in blood,his breath was short and painful, an open wound was slowly healing on his right shoulder.
His clothes were ragged and ripped,the staff already cracked hishair bloody and his right eye swollen.
How he waited for his teammates.where were they? Had they taken his cause? Had exen’tor believed his dream?
He did not know, so for now he could only soldier on, and hope that whatever reinforcements they would receive that they would be in time.
An abomination made a sudden swing at him leaving its flank completely open
He dodged easily and used the opportunity to strike the abomination. The force was so immense that the gicantic hand was cleft in two.
The abomination didn’t care though and continued relentelessly, aided by its allies.
Spells flew, zombies slashed and spiritknights charged. And for a moment manvalas wished once again that he had spent a little bit more time practicing for battle.
He fell to the ground hold in back a large axe.
A sword came cleaving down upon him, and time seemed to slow down, he knew he couldn’t dodge,parry or block. Within a second his life would be over, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Then he felt the blood soaked earth below him,dying grass embracing him,taking hold, welcoming him with open arms.
He let himself go and let the earth take over, swalloving him,letting his body slide into the ground.

the sword hit the bare ground, manvalas suddenly gone. the spiriknights looked at each other and snorted, the prey had escaped for now. it could not be too long before it would have no where to run.
their forces seemed to be winning, and arthas still stood in the far back.
all was going as planned.

deep in the ground he felt the all encompassing love of earth, healing and safeguarding him.
he sensed the voice of the world and slowly came to ralize the power which he was acting on.
he felt it now, or maybe only a portion of it, but the power was larger than he could have imagined.he felt now what it was like, to have the entire force of nature behind you.
the world, every living breathing thing stood by him.
how could he lose?
with his help the ground rose up with him, lunging itself into the middle of the battlefield.
a sudden pillar of mud, stones and roots suddenly rose up with him slowly into the air, manvalas standing on the top, surprisingly clean with his staff in one hand and a ball of devilish green energy in the other.
thunders shook the valley, and sudden lightnings lit it up as if it was a clear day. the slow breeze became a storm and the storm shook every being below him, even the spiritknights stood in awe as manvalas rose into the air, muttering words of power.
high above him twelve stars were born.
they fell down, all around him, burning green stones from the devilish abyss,burning their way through the air as thunders roared and storms howled. each of them fell atop an undead group, twelve simultaneous explosions shook the valley as the infernals landed
they rose from their craters, creatures of unearthly evil and destruction chrurning through the undead force.
arthas stood up from his seat, fury bursting through his crown.
the lich king commanded. and his forces answered.
high above, in the middle of the newly made thunder storm, was another battle being fought by the birds of the sky and the undead force.
unlike the battle fought below the forces of nature were winning, by sheer numbers and the battefield experience of the hippogryphs.
but suddenly the entire undead air force stopped fightinig. a giant dragon made of bones hung aimlessly in the air before making a sudden move downwards, through the thundering clouds.
the hippogryphs and their allies looked confused at each other and then made a dive after their enemies ,not understanding what was going on.
the dragon, dove through the air ,through the clouds, through the lightnings and into view with its target.
it was far ahead of everyone else,especially made to be the fastest, the elader of the elite air force. and noww it was in sigh of its target.
it would impale the elf. it would shatter the pillar, and it would do its masters bidding.
fifty meters, the target wasn't moving
thirty meters it was too late for it to do anything.
ten meters, the end was nigh.
a roar came from the above. through the lightning, throug the storm ,through bellows of infernals and ancients came a roar from the mouth of dwarf.
and as the bonedragon was about to hit manvalas as he stood motionless, busy controlling twelve infernals, a dwarf came crashing down on its head, wielding a hammer fused with lightning.
the skull broke and the dragon's charge stopped abtruptly on the end of skiz's hammer.
the dwarf rose up,a stormy sky and a motionless elf behind him, a battlefield and a charging flight of undead fliers in front.
aye, he said to himself raising his hammer to his shoulders, me thinks they need our help.
and as he said those words his allies shot through the stormy clouds, his comrades from the alliance and their newfround allies, the dranei.
and not so far away exen'tor wondered why the weather had suddenly gotten so bad.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.