jæja þessi kemur nú ekki svo seint.
en það er nú venja að þegar menn útskrifast að fara í þesskonar útskriftarferð og svalla á erlendri grund. þess vegna kemur því miður ekki annar kafli fyrr en 19. janúar.sorry mates
og þeir sem hafa spilað bishock til enda eða eytt lífinu að lesa biblíuna munu vita hvað hann mun heita. allavega, sé ykkur þá.

92nd chapter
A time to live

And the elements met and the air was shattered. the green energy was strengthened by manvalas's poem and for a moment the cave was filled with dancing lights and maddened thunders. Through the power and through the hate they looked each other in the eye. And then as suddenly as it had begun the onslaught was over, Manvalas shook from exhaustion and Deathwings breath was heavy. But Wisim gave him no quarters and relentlessly continued his attacks. Beams and missiles shot from his hands, fallen stones were lifted and thrown at him and the air itself seemed to change into razorblades. Wisim's eyes were glowing blue and his face was twisted in anger.
Deathwing snapped at him and spewed fire . With a snap of his tail he caught Manvalas who was still recuperating on his pedestal. Deathwing either did not notice or didn't care for he kept on attacking Wisim who was slowly leading him away from Mizra and Ankthar.

Slowly he could feel his hands again. They were warm and full of life. He fletched his fingers and was filled with joy when he felt them respond. he raised his head and saw Mizra in front of him. She still lay on the floor apparently heavily injured.
Slowly he stood up. His feet were still stiff and his face was scarred and painful but he strode nonetheless towards her body dragging his gun from his back. Slowly and clumsily he made his way towards her, holding the gun in front of him as if it would defend him against her. As her face came in view he pointed the gun towards her advancing ever so cautious. He saw her face, and saw her eyes wide open watching the battle. An explosion erupted somewhere around them and stones fell.
Ankthar dared to ask: “'re ya ‘wake?”
She rolled her head towards him and said: “of course I am,I am watching them fight.”
“Why don’t ya help ‘em?”
“Because right now I’m not sure wether they'd help me or attack me. So maybe its best that they kill him and see that what I did was right. “
Ankthar lured in even closer his gun still at the ready.
“Ya weren't right. Killin yer sister aint ever right.”
“Ankthar you always were the odd one, you have no special power, no patron to look after you. You stand in the shadows of some of the greatest powers of our time. And yet we all respect you, we all look up to you and feel as if you are one of our own, you are our friend, keeping us from going too far from the roots of mortality. I have always considered you, at the very least, a good teammate. “
Tears began flowing. “Why don't you understand what I am trying to do? Deathwing cursed the aspects with his betrayal. And sira was doomed to do the same. This way we can change the world. Make it anew, clear out the rotten parts of the world, so that the good may live freely.
“Easy there lass, we're gonna be quite calm ‘ere an wait for this all ta be over.”

She took her tearful eyes from him and looked at Deathwing as he tried to crunch Wisim who desperately held his ground pinned down by a wall and a shield he desperately held up.
“No you won’t understand, you will never understand. You will never understand what we have been given. the world, its fate and its future.” Mizra slowly began to rise up from the ground, wings and armor slowly sprouting.
“ what else can we do but to change it? to make it better.”
the spark in her eyes was lit again as she rose even further in the air.
“you wouldn’t understand. you wouldn't understand the power we hold in our hands. the power to change, to rule and ravage those who oppose us.”
she rose even higher and shone bright in blue, as if a cold sun.
“we have been given the world. Our time is now. Our age has begun.”

Deathwing who had been spewing fire on Wisim relentlessly for the past moments saw her as she began to rise up.
he noticed Manvalas regaining consciousness and Wisim recuperating for another attack.
Deathwing had many attributes, he was vile and evil, cunning, conceited ,strong, intelligent and power-hungry. but above all he was a survivalist.
And it was obvious to him that he would not survive further combat with three of the future aspects fighting against him. he readied himself and with a massive thrust he was off, flying towards the ceiling. The pure bedrock wouldn't have budged under normal circumstances, but Deathwing was after all The Earth Warder. so the stone smashed before him as he flew through at least dozen meters of mountain.
Mizra was quick to follow, and Wisim came straight after her, not sure wether he was following Deathwing or Mizra. Ankthar stood there his eye wide open looking at the debris coming from the ceiling to crush him. Manvalas was quick to raise his pedestal of roots and grabbed him as entire cliffs began to fall upon them.
Ankthar was breathless but still managed to say: “tha- thank ye.”
“no problem” Manvalas said, “now hold on.”
stones the size of houses whistled past them, sunlight cut into their eyes and dust covered their faces. and then they were up and what they saw was wilder than anything than they could imagine. it appeared that Deathwing had chosen the most inopportune moment to rush out of his cage for he had come out the cave straight into the claws of Alexstrasza and Ysera , flying frantically to the gates of Grim batol.

The three dragons were all stunned to see each other and for a moment everything was calm as Alexstrasza and Ysera slowed down and turned around.
Then from the depths of the mountain Mizra rose with frantic speed and ignored the massive dragons completely. “Clouds of arrows” she yelled and icy mists appeared all around her. Deathwing reared his head against her and roared. With a single gesture and a single word the clouds began to shoot a deadly and steady stream of ice bolts.
One of those would have been hardly noticeable to Deathwing. Even hundreds would not have been enough to hurt him. But now he was under attack relentlessly by thousands of icebolts every second. Wisim appeared after her but unlike Mizra he was stunned to see the dragons and noticed someone sitting on Ysera, someone glowing with fiery hair. Mizra and Deathwing were quickly forgotten and he bolted towards Ysera. Mizra started her next spell as Deathwing was disoriented by the hail. She clapped her hands together and whispered: perfect frost. A molecule was grasped and it slowly started to stop. Her concentration was shattered however by Alexstrasza who suddenly reached out her claws and ripped Mizra from the sky.
“What do you think you are doing child!”
“something you should have done eons ago!”
Manvalas and Ankthar finally stormed out from the hole. They saw dragons, clouds filled with power, Wisim bolting towards Ysera, and Deathwing slowly realizing that Alexstrasza was looking the other way.
Manvalas forced the roots to land on the side of the mountain and set Ankthar down saying: I don’t know what’s going to happen now. It’s for the best if you find a place to keep safe. this can’t end well. And with that he was gone leaving Ankthar alone on the stony hillside. Ankthar saw the events unfold. He saw and heard as Alexstrasza roared at Mizra who she kept in her hands. And he cursed as Deathwing with one movement of his wings moved away from the ice bombardment and took off, heading south. The dragons looked after him not sure whether or not to follow. But before he was gone over the horizon, Ysera back went after them and within a few seconds they were gone.
Left were Alexstrasza, Mizra, Wisim and Sira’dreth. Mizra somehow managed to rip herself loose from Alexstrasza. She began flying after Ysera and Deathwing. But she was cornered by Wisim. She tried another route but was stopped by Manvalas. And she tried a third desperate route. But she was stopped by Sira’dreth in all her flaming glory.
Ankthar saw her look around. He couldn’t imagine how she felt. He couldn’t imagine the anger that flowed around them. And he couldn’t imagine how they would settle this. He could almost see their faces, tormented by anger, guilt, hate and love.

But he saw as Mizra seemed to keel over in midair after Alexstrasza spoke to her, and he heard as she screamed in anger, confusion and madness. And he felt the wind change as she and the clouds shot out a storm of icebolts in every direction.

He could see them coming, but he didn’t move fast enough.
At first he believed he could dodge or block them until he saw the magnitude.
And he could feel the pain as three of them stabbed him in his hands, five in his legs and two in his chest.

He could however not hear his screams of pain, nor see as his friends forgot their differences,or even when he fell on his back. He could breathe but it was painful. He could move, but the pain was paralyzing.
He could see his village, his mother, how she was killed and how he lived alone, he could see their hatred for him grow and how they forced him out of the village. He could see the undead army and how he betrayed the village.
And he could see Exen’tor, and how he had slowly realized their connection. And he saw the sun of Azeroth, and the faces of his friends.

And through great pain he said: “thar es indeed a seas’n ta all things. A time ta live, and a time ta die.”

He was not gone with those words, nor were they his last. But he felt he had said all he could say for a lifetime and was at last at peace with his past.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.