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Áhugamál: Hip hop

Úlfur Kolka - Human Error (frítt download) (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 13 árum, 6 mánuðum
Ég var að gefa út plötu sem mig langaði til að deila með ykkur. Fyrir ykkur sem kannist ekki við mig þá var ég áður þekktur sem Ciphah úr Kritikal Mazz. Þið getið náð í plötuna hér: Hér er svo myndband af plötunni: Þessi plata er það síðasta sem mun heyrast frá mér á ensku í einhvern tíma þar sem öll nýjustu lögin mín eru á íslensku. Ég er að leggja lokahönd á íslenska plötu sem kemur vonandi út á...

Kritikal Mazz LP (18 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
Jæja þá er platan okkar loksins komin í búðir. Við erum búnir að eyða þónokkrum tíma og vinnu í hana og vonum að ykkur líki vel. Á plötunni eru 14 lög og þar af aðeins 3 lög með sömplum í. Gestir á plötunni eru Antlew/Maximum, Celestial Souljahz (Freestyle & Shabazz The Disciple), Dizee D & DJ Intro. Nánari upplýsingar fást á Check it out!

D-Stroy viðtal. (4 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 5 mánuðum
“D-Story is forging new ground as a soloist. While his new single off of Matador Records, ”Roll Out“, has been number one on CMJ, he has plans to do much more including expanding his fan based Pyrobots Movement, test the limits on his imagination with upcoming projects and finally re-establish himself as a solo artist outside of the Arsonists collective. In a past interview Freestyle gave his thoughts on the Arsonists split, naming you as the catalyst. However, it's always necessary to hear...

DJ Premier Discography. (11 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 6 mánuðum
Hér fyrir neðan er listi yfir öll lög sem DJ Premier hefur pródúsað fyrir utan Gangstarr. Ég held að þetta sé allt en endilega látið mig vita ef það vantar eitthvað á listann. <hr> Afu Ra “Defeat” “Mic Stance” “Equality” “Monotony” “Big Acts, Little Acts” (DJ Premier Remix) AG “Weed Scented” (feat. Guru) All City “The Actual” Arrested Development “Ease My Mind” (DJ Premier Remix) Bahamadia “Rugged Ruff” “True Honey Buns (Dat Freak Shit)” “3 Da Hard Way” Big Daddy Kane “Show and Prove” Big L...

Rasco viðtal (24/06/2001). (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 6 mánuðum
24/06/2001 Q. Whats up? So where are you from? A. I was born in Cleveland, Ohio and moved here to San Francisco and been here since I was 8. Q. How would you describe the scene there? A. The scene is cool, it mostly independent based. A lot of people are doin there own thing here, like the Living Legends, Hiero, Peanut Butter Wolf, Scratch Pickles. It’s an independent market! Q. What was your first release or appearance on record as an MC? A. That would be in 1995 with Various Blends. We did...

Fat Lip (Pharcyde) viðtal. (4 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 7 mánuðum
Q. So what have you been doin since the last Pharcyde album? A. I always stayed in the business but I left the showbiz for a minute. But I kept workin on tracks and study music. Q. Whats up with your single “Whats up Fat Lip?”? A. Its just a lil something for a compilation called Prime Cuts on DV that is out now. Q. Whats goin on with the solo album? A. Right now, I'm in the lab getting it right. I'll have it done by next month. And get it out there real soon. Q. So when did you get into the...

Foreign Legion viðtal. (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 7 mánuðum
A hip hop group with a sense of humour – now, that’s what I’m talking about. It doesn’t really shine through on their debut album, “Kidnapper Van”, but Prozack, Marc Stretch and DJ Design are three funny guys. Their music bursts at the seams with an independent ethos and those dusty, raw samples we’ve come to expect from (San Francisco) Bay Area artists. They address themes such as the strict rules people sometimes impose upon themselves and others about being “underground”, artists who...

Big bang theory. (17 álit)

í Heimspeki fyrir 23 árum, 7 mánuðum
Flestir ættu nú að vita að alheimurinn er sífellt að þenjast út og að því meira sem hann þenst út því hraðar þenst hann út. En það er mjög ólíklegt að hann geti endalaust þenst út, og mun hann þá líklega dragast saman aftur þangað til að hann verður að engu. Ég tel að eftir það komi aftur big bang og þróunin verði nákvæmlega eins og hún hefur verið núna. Ég og þú munum vera hér og við munum gera nákvæmlega sömu hluti og við höfum gert án þess þó að vita það. Sem þýðir að þú gætir verið að...

Too Poetic a.k.a The Grym Reaper, R.I.P. (7 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 7 mánuðum
Já því miður er þetta satt. Anthony Berkely betur þekktur sem Too Poetic eða The Grym Reaper lést á sunnudaginn 15. júlí. Poetic dó úr magakrabbameini á Cedar Sinai sjúkrahúsinu í California. Hann hafði nýlokið við nýju Gravediggaz plötuna, Nightmare In A-Minor, með Frukwan, þó svo að fyrrverandi Gravediggaz, RZA og Prince Paul hefðu ekki komið nálægt þessari LP. Poetic mun líka heyrast í lagi á væntanlegu Last Emperor plötunni sem kemur út hjá Rawkus. Má hann hvíla í friði.

Toronto gefur skít í D-12. (5 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 7 mánuðum
“According to the Toronto Star, T-Dot females dissed D12 royally during their show there last weekend. The paper said that D12 told all the ladies in the house that they were available. Asking, ”all the single honeys who ain't got no curfew“ to come backstage. Every single woman they asked turned the Detroit rappers down. The paper offered this advice ”Better practice your pimpin before you roll through Toronto again on the Warped Tour in August.“ Only about 1,000 fans even saw the show, as...

Automator viðtal (05-2001) (1 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 7 mánuðum
Formless: Describe your earliest hip hop memories… Automator: My earliest hip hop memory would be “Rappers Delight.” I've come from a pop/ soul background as far as music goes. When (“Rappers Delight”) came out I was pretty young… I had heard people rhyming on records a little bit before, but kind of in the RandB sense where they would do a couple bars and then it would become singing song. I didn't know anything about hip hop before that so it was kind of a new experience for me. I thought...

Architect viðtal (05-2001) (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 7 mánuðum
Some people make beats. Some people are producers. What's the difference? It takes a producer to understands the complete process. The music first has to set the tone. The track alone should be able to, at least somewhat, define the theme of the song. Beyond that, once the emcee has laced his lyrics over the music the producer knows that the beat and rhyme alone can't carry the weight. There's the careful process of arrangement. The way the music changes, drops, and builds help give the song...

Cannibal Ox viðtal, 05/2001. (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
The first of Sumo’s interviews from his recent holiday in the Big Apple is a corking two parter with the hottest names on the underground scene right now; namely Vast Air Kramer and Vordal Megala collectively known as Cannibal Ox. Whilst chilling out before doing the soundcheck for their appearance at Leo’s Lounge, Vast, Vordal and Atoms Family deejay Sips One chat with sumo about where they’re coming from and where they’re headed…. Erm Can you introduce yourself please. I’m Vast Air of...

Encore viðtal, 05/2001. (1 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
May, 2001 Looking back on the history of the art-form of emceeing a few choice qualities stand out in those who are considered to be the “greats;” the ability to paint a distinct visual picture with your words, creative structure in your cadence and rhyme flow, being able to deliver your words in a honest and convincing manner and of course, the voice. If it is as history suggests and those are the key characteristics for emcee excellence, then ENCORE has it made. First, he tested the waters...

MF Grimm (2 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Fyrir þá sem ekki vissu var MF Grimm skotinn fyrir nokkrum árum. Læknar sögðu að það væru mjög litlar líkur á því að hann myndi lifa þetta af, enda hæfðu tíu kúlur hann og þar af er ein ennþá föst í maganum hans. En þótt ótrúlegt sé þá náði hann að lifa þessa skothríð af. Hann missti bæði sjón og heyrn og var lamaður fyrir neðan háls. Með tímanum tókst honum að fá sjónina og heyrnina aftur og náði að hreyfa sig fyrir ofan mitti. Hann er nú í hjólastól og situr inni með 15 ár og allt að...

Sole (Live Poets) vs. El-P (Company Flow) (6 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Hér er smá info um hvernig þetta battle byrjaði. Til gamans má geta að í \“Linda Trip\” þar sem El-P er að dissa Sole notar hann sampl frá Björk. It’s the battle that no other magazine would cover, because the artists weren’t as large as Canibus or Cool J. As followers of underground and independent hip-hop may already be aware, there’s a little beef between two artists who are both putting down on the scene. El-P is virtually one of the kings of the New York underground scene, as he and the...

Viðtal við Swollen Members á fylleríi. (5 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
While they were on a tour with Abstract Tribe Unique, we got a chance to hang out with Swollen Members, who had just finished rocking the show. The two were quite drunk, which made this interview twice as much fun. Read on…. Pizzo: Who owns your label, Battle Axe? Madchild: I do, but I have to take a leak though! Ha Ha Ha… Give me a second and we’ll do the interview…. Pizzo: Aight. (Nature calls, and Madchild returns) Pizzo: Give me the origin of Swollen Members, how did you guys hook up?...

Hvað er þetta með commercial rappara og bíómyndir? (17 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Hvað er þetta með commercial rappara og bíómyndir? “Why do everybody think they gotta do a movie?” (Questions/K-Otix) ——————————————————————- “After being cast in The Crow: Lazarus, rapper DMX has lined up yet another film role. DMX is slated to star in a remake of the 1931 German crime thriller, M. The film will re-team DMX with Warner Bros. and producer Joel Silver, with whom the rapper collaborated with on Exit Wounds and Romeo Must Die. M, which will likely begin shooting this fall, is...

Sage Francis (Non-Prophets) viðtal! (1 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
I had agreed to meet Sage Francis at Dunkin’ Donuts on Thayer Street in the College Hill section of Providence. Since I was a little early, I decided to chill out front. Given that it is close to several of the cities colleges and being lined with sidewalk cafes, coffeehouses, and record shops, Thayer Street stays packed with people and auto traffic. Providence is one of those old cities that began expanding before the invention of the car. Streets crisscross and wind as they climb the hills...

Promoe (Loop Troop) viðtal! (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Oliver: The new Loop Troop album is being released by an independent punk rock label, Burning Heart Records. How come you ended up on them? Promoe: We had some other labels contacting us. But their offerings were no good for us since they wanted like option deals and stuff. So we ended up on Burning Heart. I think they stepped to us because they heard of us, liked our stuff and we said, ‘Okay, let’s try it, see how it works.’ I don’t even know if it’s good, you know? We have to see. So far...

Release Dates! (6 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
06/12/2001: Bumpy Knuckels - The Lah - Koch - Single DJ Jo-S - Afterburner / Separation - Rawkuts - Single Knights of Bass - Reborn - Bomb Hip Hop - Album Lord Tariq - Scriptures - KOCH - Album Ras Kass - Van Gogh - Universal - Album 06/18/2001: Def Tex - Serene Bug - Son Records - Single 06/19/2001: D-12 - Devil's Night - Shady Records - Album Kool Keith - Stank MC's / Thug or What? / Back from the Pad - Eastern Conference - Single Mystic - Cuts For Luck And Scars For Freedom -...

Mr. Lif viðtal 3/3/01 (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Sat, Mar 3, 2001 05:28 Elements: Who is Mr Lif? Mr Lif: I'm an independent artist. My first two songs were on the Rebel Alliance Compilation released on Brick Records titled “Madness In A Cup” and “This Won.” And, in 1998 I released another 12“ called ”Electro,“ and the b-side was titled ”The Nothing.“ In 1999 I did the ”Triangular Warfare“ single which also featured a song called ”Arise“ produced by El-P of Company Flow. I hooked up with Grand Royal to release another 12” later on in 1999....

Evidence (Dilated Peoples) viðtal 3/3/01 (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Sat, Mar 3, 2001 01:35 He is the poster boy for hip-hop’s contemporary golden age, true studio renaissance man, and one half of the critically acclaimed L.A. based super group, Dilated Peoples. Read on to discover what Supreme Court Justices have known since the dawn of the judiciary branch: Anything is possible as long as you have strong backing Evidence. ANO: What can you tell us about the LP and when is it coming out? EV: The LP is called “The Platform” with 17 cuts, including the intro....

Bréf frá Kim Mathers! (3 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Ekki spyrja mig af hverju ég sendi svona kjaftæði inn, enjoy. “June 7, 2000 To whom it may concern, First and foremost, I would like to start off by saying that just because my husband is an entertainer, that does not mean that our personal business is for everyone's entertainment purposes, but since the press seems to think that it is, then they should get their story straight. My husband came up to Hot Rocks to check up on me, why is still unknown to me because if I was to cheat on him it...

Nýlegt viðtal við Freestyle (23-05-2001). (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Nýlegt viðtal við Freestyle (23-05-2001). “Finally I managed to get the interview with Freestyle after eons of internet f*ckery…but it was worth the wait! Sit back and enjoy the words of a true hiphop legend. Q. The Arsonists' split…how did that come about? Freestyle: I'm tired of this question. I get it too much. There was a lot of problems in the group and they couldn't handle it, so they took care of it by asking me to leave the group for no apparent reason. If you're a family for 7...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..