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Re: Pæling vikunnar: 31. maí - 6.júní

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Enton-skólinn var/er muggaskóli..mannstu það var sagt fljótlega eftir að Justin sæji eftir að hann hefði sagt Harry að hann hefði átt að fara í Enton… því Justin hélt að hann yrði næsta fórnarlamb Harrys<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so...

Re: Hvað er Wicca??

í Dulspeki fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Svona já, næstum því..takk<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to. “Congratulations,...

Re: "Your club does not have the...

í Manager leikir fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
já, og hvort þið hafið einhverntíman fengið þetta. Annars á ég allavega 150k þannig þetta er soldið skrýtið..<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in...

Re: Tsilgalko

í Manager leikir fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Hver er það? er það skrifað Tsigalko? í dinamo minsk oog hvort er það markmaðurinn eða sóknarmaðurinn sem heitir þetta?<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped...

Re: Rubeus Hagrid

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Ég hélt að Dumbledore hafi verið annaðhvort ummyndunarkennari eða hafi haft kennarastöðuna sem Flitchwick litli er núna með

Re: Pæling vikunnar... 24.maí - 30.maí

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
ábyggilega sama og hjá strákunum<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to. “Congratulations,...

Re: Góð hugmynd.

í Hugi fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
AÐ sms-ast er gaman.. skil ekki afhverju þú segir að bara gelgjur sms-ist það er bara rökleysa… Þú getur verið að senda sms við einhverja mannesskju sem þú þekkir ekkert alveg rosalega vel án þess að komi svona vandræðaleg þögn þar sem engin veit hvað hann á að segja. Þegar þú ert að tala vuð einhvern í síma þá getur þetta gerst og síðan þegar þú ert nýbúinn að leggja á þá mannstu einhvað nýtt eða skemmtilegt sem þig langaði að segja...

Re: Pæling vikunnar... 24.maí - 30.maí

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Já, það er betra en ekkert.. er það ekki? ;)<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to....

Re: Könnunin um FFVII

í Final Fantasy fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
humm… Er það alveg víst? Held að hann heiti unknown soldier allavega í fyrsta bardaganum þegar maður hoppar útúr lestinni með gaurnum með vélbyssuhendina.<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look...

Re: Pæling vikunnar... 24.maí - 30.maí

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Eða þá að þau geti bara ákveðið hvernig hárið á að vera… eins og Harry var alltaf sentur í klippingu en kom jafn úfinn heim.<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw...

Re: Pæling vikunnar... 24.maí - 30.maí

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
sko þau kaupa bara bækur og dót fyrir hogwarts einu sinni á ári<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said,...

Re: Pæling vikunnar... 24.maí - 30.maí

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Já en bækurnar eru bara einu sinni á ári.<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to....

Re: Tímaflakk

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
já, en afhverju fóru þá ekki dráparar aftur í tíman og stoppuðu Voldemort að ráðast á Harry Potter eða einhvað svoleiðis..eða Harry að stoppa sjálfan sig að fara í Galdramálaráðuneytið. Eða bara hvað sem er.

Re: Fjölmiðlafrumvarpið : samþykkt

í Tilveran fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Á móti<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to. “Congratulations, Potter.” -Fanfic:...

Re: Vissi ekki

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
En hvað um NIMBUS 2000! og NIMBUS 2001 árið eftir haaaa? held það svona ætti að gefa upplýsingar um ártalið…ég hugsaði það alltaf fyrst áður en ég byrjaði að lesa greinar um harry potter hér og þar<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he...

Re: Hvað ertu að gera..

í Manager leikir fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Port Vale á fyrsta tímabili í CM01/02 er alveg að brillera fékk Ivan Hurtado á Free Transfer …til dæmis<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement....

Re: Júró næt!

í Tilveran fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Já mér fannst Gísli snilld…hann veðjaði bðílnum sínum uppá að balkanskagaland myndi gefa öðru balkanskagalandi 12…já þetta er hágæða VOLVO!<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by...

Re: CSRSS.EXE [system]

í Tilveran fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Takk, prófa þetta <br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to. “Congratulations, Potter.”...

Re: CSRSS.EXE [system]

í Tilveran fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Og hvað er það eilla?<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to. “Congratulations, Potter.”...

Re: Nero 6

í Tilveran fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Já, ég gerði það en síðan á maður að borga meira fyrir update.. það er soldið skrýtið. EN einhver “hint” hvaða pakka á ég á að dl-a?<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his...

Re: Unlikely Alliance: kafli 5 - Fall er fararheill

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Snilld! hlakka til að sjá næstu kafla!

Re: Robinson kominn til tottenham

í Knattspyrna fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
ledds..hvað er það eiginlega? er það einhver ný gerð af leðri eða???<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he...

Re: Grein

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Aha, ég man það næst.. hef ekki fengið neitunn…:(<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to....

Re: Grein

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
´hana´<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to. “Congratulations, Potter.” -Fanfic:...

Re: vantar hjálp

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum, 11 mánuðum
Og..það eru 4 heimar. 5 ef þú ert með aukaborðin :).<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..