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Re: Músarkaup

í Half-Life fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
ég er með 2.0 ghz, 1 gb ddr 333 innraminni.. Radeon 9600 sec 128 mb kort.. 80 gb hdd 7200, 8mb buff (WD).. þannig það er ekki tölvan sem er að stoppa þetta<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did...

Re: Harðdiskakaup

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
Hver er munurinn á SATA og IDE? og hvernig veit ég hvort móbóið getur notað SATA.. hvernig er SATA snúran?<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement....

Re: Músarkaup

í Half-Life fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
eða þá bara einhverjar stillingar sem gott er að nota<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not...

Re: tvö 512 mb ddr til sölu

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
já, Samsungið var keypt í apríl og Elexírinn í júní<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not...

Re: cm4

í Manager leikir fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
Ja , ég veit ekkert um það.. keypti mér CM4 strax og hann kom út spilaði í 2 mán.. skipti svo aftur í 01-02.. <br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in...

Re: cm4

í Manager leikir fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
Held hann sé að meina það að CM 03-04 sé of hægur þannig hann hefur ákveðið að skipta yfir í CM 4. Og vantar þess vegna Patchana og leikmannaskiptin.. eða það er það sem ég skildi úr þessari bunu..:)<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he...

Re: Vantar cheap hljóðkort

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
!?!.. afhverju ekki.. bara gaman að þessu..<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to....

Re: Vantar cheap hljóðkort

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum Eitt verulega cheap.. þú misstir reyndar af því, er bæuinn að kasta því núna..:P<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry...

Re: Supporter sang your name...

í Manager leikir fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
Stigvél í hvaða leik? og með hvaða lið?<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to....

Re: Hvað er Hagrid gamall?

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
Einmitt, eins og með Nimbus 2000 og á næsta ári Nimbus 2001! afhverju ætti fólkið að nefna kústana með ártölum eftir 8-9 ár..

Re: Smá Hjálp?

í Manager leikir fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
Geturu ekki prófað að un-installa leiknum hjá þér?<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to....

Re: Supporter sang your name...

í Manager leikir fyrir 19 árum, 9 mánuðum
hehe, hefur aldrei komið fyrir mig.. en ég hef ekki spilað 03-04… <br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he...

Re: Laser augnaðgerð

í Heilsa fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
Fantasia afhverju ekki?

Re: Heimabío til sölu

í Græjur fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
hvað er svona byrjunartilboð? <br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to. “Congratulations,...

Re: EE útgáfan í kvikmyndahús ?

í Tolkien fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
væri laveg gepveikt að sjá þær allar í lúxus! fyrir kannski svona 3000 eða einhvað1 ;;)<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you...

Re: Skakklappi/Crookshanks

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
(url) :) þessi korkur er bara 10 daga gamall..<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by...

Re: Allir kíkja á eurovision áhugamálið! Mikilvæg könnun!

í Tilveran fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
ég sagði hlutlaus, því ég veit ekki hvern andskotann þú ert að meina…*-)<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,”...

Re: Bootleggers

í Tölvuhlutverkaleikir fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
finndu Valla bara sjálfur… sicko gaur ;):P<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to....

Re: Sæluhelginn út á Suðureyri

í Djammið fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
Segðu mér, afhverju er þér illa við nágrannabæji Ísafjarðar? Er það einhver minnimáttarkennd? En hvaðan koma öll þessi skot á lopapeysur? Þið sem voru þarna, sáu þið einhverja lopapeysur?? Við smábæjarar eru engir verri en þið “stórborgarmenn”… Wannabe Thugs, besta og hnyttnasta comment um ísfirðinga sem ég hef nokkurtíman heyrt… Fokking lásí grein hjá þér, sagðir ekkert um sæluhelgina heldur sagðiru bara einhvað um einhver lame slagsmál.. einhvað sem á heima á blogginu þínu en ekki á huga

Re: Nr.4?

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
Þar sem þetta er sett í “myndirnar” þá eru miklar líkur á að hann sé að spyyrja hvenær fjórða Harry Potter myndin kemur út… ég hef heyrt að hún sé í framleiðslu en ekkert meira heyrt<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry...

Re: Mark Evans

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
Á jk stendur að Evans hafi bara verið nafn og eigi ekki eftir að koma fram meira.<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would...

Re: Bestu kaup

í Manager leikir fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
Fékk einu sinni Ayela frá Valencia í 00-01 í Charslie í annari deildinni ensku á öðru timabili.. á mjög litið<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in...

Re: Harry Potter og stríðið- 12. kafli

í Harry Potter fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
Ég les hann. Mér fannst þessi kafli ekki nógu góður.. sorry, hinir voru allir snilld, veit ekki alveg hvað er við þennan kafla.. einhvað ekki nogu góður:S

Re: Simmi & Jói

í Tilveran fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
Mér finnst þeir báðir skemmtilegir<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to....

Re: 24

í Spenna / Drama fyrir 19 árum, 10 mánuðum
Styð.<br><br>_________________________________________________ I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man i can walk back as fast as u can ————————————————- Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to. “Congratulations, Potter.” -Fanfic:...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..