ok, tók eftir því að fullt af fólki á facebook hjá mér var að tala um hvað hveitigrasskotinn sem þau kaupa sér í hinum ýsmu heilsubúðum væru nú að gera mikið fyrir þau og hvað þau væru öll orðinn miklu hressari og liði svo vel.

þannig að ég fór að kanna þetta og það kom í ljós að mannslíkaminn getur ekki einusinni melt hveitigras, hvað þá að það væri holt. það eru enginn næringar efni í því (sem skiftir ekki máli því við getum hvorteðer ekki melt þetta tilað byrja með)

afhverju er fólk þá að eiða 350-500 kalli í eitt skot þegar við getum ekki einusinni brotið þetta niður ?

er ekki að reyna að vera leiðinlegur langaði bara að spara ykkur smá pening. fáið ykkur bara gulrót í staðinn eða eikkvað.

Wheatgrass Myths v. Facts

1. Wheatgrass is a low quality food that does not contain anything even remotely close to “all of the vitamins and most of the minerals we need”. (See Jamba Juice's wheatgrass nutrition data: 7% daily values (%DV) of Vitamin C; 10% iron; zero percent of everything else. Zero! Sheesh - eat an orange.)

2. Wheatgrass does not contain enzymes that aid human digestion. Any enzymes that wheatgrass contains are enzymes that help wheatgrass metabolize its food; wheatgrass enzymes do not help you digest wheatgrass or anything else. (They may both be called “enzymes”, but they are different molecules.)

3. Special microbes and enzymes are necessary in the gut to break down the cellulose in grass. Humans do not have these enzymes, and so humans can't digest grass, whether it is juiced first or not.

4. The digestion process, even in ruminants, is necessarily slow. This means that (a) human digestion would not be slow enough to digest wheatgrass (even if human guts had the necessary microbes, which they don't), and (b) if it was that slow (and had the microbes), wheatgrass would still not be absorbed into the body “within 20 minutes” as is claimed.

5. Likewise, claims of a “high” after drinking wheatgrass are due either to the power of suggestion or some physiological reaction due to the body not being able to digest what it was just fed.
6. Because it cannot be digested, wheatgrass cannot possibly be an energizer, build your blood (whatever that means), cleanse your body, or do any of the other magical things claimed for it.

og þar hafiði það gott fólk, gras er fyrir beljur :)
Excuse my French, emotion in my passion But I wear my heart on my sleeve like it's the new fashion.