Ég rakst á afar einfalda og skemmtilega útskýringu á áhrif alkóhóls á líkamsræktarárangur. Hér er verið að tala um “binge drinking” þeas drekka mikið magn af áfengi á einu kvöldi.

Alcohol and bodybuilding..
How bad is that combo? If i go out binge drinking tonight how will that affect todays total body workout? is it detrimental to my gains?

What do you think?

OF COURSE it's detrimental to your gains. You're going to be taking in a whole pile of empty calories. And your liver then has to start working overtime to rid your body of the toxins/poisons you've just taken in. During binge drinking, there's no time for the liver to deal with anything else (such as food you've eaten), so that all gets shuttled over to storage (re: fat).

Tonight, when you would typically be sleeping and your body would be releasing HGH, growing and repairing… instead, your body will be sluggish, acidic, dehydrated, and your restorative REM sleep will be interrupted.

Pretty much every bodily process that creates your “gains” is halted in its tracks by binge drinking.

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