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71st chapter

Meet me in felwood

the crumbled up paper weighed heavily in her side pocket, feeling as if it was burning through the robe.
She had hardly slept since she found it in the ruins, a scorched piece of paper from her fathers book.
It was supposedly enhanced with the ability to answer every question asked. The truth was that the book made the most logical assumption the person asking already had made but refused to accept.
The book had no answers of its own, it simply read the answer from the hopes and perceptions of the asker.
Mizra herself did not know this but even if she would have it mattered not. her mind was made, her hand slowly reached for the paper.
She shook with excitement and fear as she drew it slowly through her blanket, trying to make as little obvious movement as possible.
Through her trobes, through her blanket, she drew it and held it in front of her eyes.
She looked at the paper,unremarkable, schorched and yellow and tried to capture every little detail.
After more then a minute of nothing but staring at it mizra finally uttered her question in a whispering tone:who is the woman inside my head,the source of my powers?
A spark skittered over the surface of the paper and for a second, mizra thought that the magic had gone from the book as it burned down in her fathers cave.
But then a letter appeared on the paper and floated around for a while until another one appeared next to it. Then the words ran lightning fast through the page , skittering over the crumbled corners making words from thin air that finallyh, oh finally put things in perspective .
Suddenly she realized it all, suddenly it all made sense, she bashed her self silently on the head for not realizing it sooner.
Her powers, the filght, the healing, the woman in her head, it all clicked together like a great piece of mechanism that surrounded her.
For a second there she was as happy as she had beenin her youth, only wanting to see what more she could unfurl from her discovery.
She looked at her sister and a sudden realization washed over her.
She considered the powers, their history, the little history of the world she knew and made the connection.
Suddenly she was no longer happy. A dark prophecy had just dawned upon her.
She looked at the page and asked, her voice trembling even more than before:
Will things happen as before?
And the paper answered: yes.
She felt her breath knocked out of her. Her heart skipped a beat, as she closed her fist around the page, crumbling it down into a ball which she turned into ice.
She huddled together, suddenly feeling extremely cold, and completely alone.
For the first time in a long time she had no idea what to do.
She looked at her sister, sleeping so soundly under her blanket, not a care in the world compared to her own.
A frozen tear fell down upon the grass.

The sun hadn’t risen when Exen’tor opened his mouth and gave a loud scream, awakening from his coma. His hair was sweaty, his skin was cold and his heart felt like it had been ripped apart inside his own body.
His eyes burned green for a second, his hair shining in a yellow flame, hands clutched at his chest.
He was soon surrounded by his friends, looking worried at his sick face , uttering unintelligible words of comfort as he drifted into natural sleep.
For now he and Mesfer had reached a conclusion simpler way to split the power, a saner road of madness.
His dreams were a chaotic blur of dragons and creeping trees through which he fumbled about searching so hard for a piece of his robe he had left behind when he went on that fishing trip.
He looked inside a hollowed out tree that turned out to be a mausoleum for a long dead king of leaves. He respectfully walked out of the tomb and saw his long lsot friend.
Manvalas stood atop cliff, his feet somehow fused with the ground. In front of him was a creeping shadow, a darkness so wide and looming Manvalas looked like a sickly dog, standing defiant against dragon.
But yet he stood there, his body fused with the ground and the trees that seemed yell out with him: “come on ya blob, bring it, just try and take us!”
The shadow struck out, weaving itself to the very fabric of the world, turning itself into a sideways tornado, striking with all the power and fury of the maelstrom against him.
Yet he stood tall, not moving an inch.
“If that’s the best ya can do, ya should have picked a weaker enemy.”
He punched into the ground, ,making the earth and the heavens shake.
“Next time, pick on a druid will ya.”
He ripped out from the ground the very heart of the darkness, making it whimper, shake uncrollably,and with a fierce storm of lighting and fire, concentrate into the darkness Manvalas held in his hand, and explode with the fury of a volcano.
“Every time it gets a little bit easier,” he said.
He turned his head towards Exen’tor.
“Brother.” He said in a delighted voice, “please do not talk, your existence in the dream is truly frail and may shatter with a single action. there will be enough time for pleasantries of wine and womans flesh later.”
“I know where you are, and what your mission is,but know this, far greater wheels are in motion than you can imagine.”
“You must trust what I say and put aside you differences with the alliance and rally them all to felwood.”
“Arthas has just made a move, and the druids are gathering. We will need every single one of you there if we are to last.”
The infernals are falling brother.
“The portals are opening. With or without you Arthas is going out. “
“Follow the druids, follow the beasts, follow the wind. Meet me in felwood.”
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.