44th chapter

the guiding paladin

It was a sunny day in steam wheedle when they entered the port on the battered merry pearl.
Of course every day was sunny in the deserts of tanaris, so maybe there was nothing out of the ordinary, but this was the sunny day when the gatekeepers finally set foot on kalimdor.
Thrown out was actually more like it since Luffy and his crew, weren’t exactly gracious for being led to a trap set up for the gatekeepers and resulted in the ear destruction of their ship.
They didn’t openly object however since they’d already seen the devastating power of the group. But they made it really clear that they were not welcome there, with grunts of dissatisfactions and silent comments about their hairdos.
Once Exen´tor even had to be restrained to not to throw one of the tauren overboard because he said that Exen´tor looked like a girl with that long hair of his.
You should never make fun of a bloodelfs hair.

But there they were, in the port of Steamwheedle, with their feet finally firm on the ground.
First thing anyone said about the small but bustling port was Ankthar.
“Aye drinks are on me folks!”
“Ankthar, aren’t you a bit too elfish for that today?” Mizra asked with a smile.
Ankthar grabbed his ears , sighed and said, “damnit dad, I’m in the mood for celebrating today.”
And with that he slowly shrunk, his ears turned rugged and shrunk too and his beard began growing with incredible speed.
So in his dwarfen form he said happily to his cat:” come on ‘en Hvenfifar, let’s git em meads down ar throats.”
Hvenfifar growled happily, and followed her master.
Mizra and Sira’dreth followed suit but Exen´tor took another turn and yelled back to the group:” I’ll meet you later; we’re going to need a guide if we’re to get over the desert.”
He walked through the streets of steamwheedle, asking around for guides, fending off thieves and assassins as he dodged the various offers by traders and merchants.
Finally he found what he was looking for.

He couldn’t believe his luck.
Two weeks since he’d received his mission and when he had at last gotten to this wretched excuse for a town he’d run into them.
He laughed silently and changed his equipment:
Dressed in Half plate armour, carrying a mace, blond hair flowing from under the helm, the right amount of light flowing from his yellow eyes, human appearance, yes he thought, it’s perfect, now all that remains is the bait.

Exen’tor hadn’t even heard the prices for the guide but had already entered his haggling mode.
“Two gold pieces and not a copper more” he said.
“What!?” The goblin stated furious and dumbstruck, two gold for taking you you over the shifting sands? No way.
Oh not just in the shifting sands, also to the crater and to its volcano.
The goblin jumped to the table: “what the ? no guide of mine is going to lead you anywhere for that price, especially to the un’goru.”
“Yes there is , I ,will, take them there “ a human said as he walked into the hovel, a beam of light illuminating him as he held a gigantic hammer on his shoulder.
He walked forward, the light seemed to follow him.
“You’re not one of my…” the goblin began but was abruptly thrown off the table by the man’s backhand.
“You’ll take us to un’goru? “Exen’tor asked and then added quickly, “for two and a half gold?”
The man smiled put his hand on his shoulder and said: “I’ll do it for two, partner. “
And Exen´tor was sold, two gold for getting through the desert? When he walked out of the guide agency Exen´tor was in heaven.

Nightwalker simply smiled however, and walked calmly behind Exen’tor as a guard dog. He felt neither happy nor triumphant, but rather confident that he was fulfilling
his mission.
This was after all just a little step in the awakening of his brothers.
He only needed to kill those little things that were without knowing it obstructing his plans.
All that remained was his death and then the glorious dawn of destruction would arrive.
So with his future victim he walked through the streets of steamwheedle, fulfilling but a step in his mission that now revolved around the actions of one blood elf in the fire plume ridge.

Said blood elf was starting to worry.
Recently there had been no contact whatsoever with the Dalaran, it was if it’s towers had gone silent and the balls blank.
He consulted his book to which she only replied:
There are things going on that even I cannot discern. Dalaran remains unreachable.
Wisim conjured some food but felt the taste disappointing, He conjured a alchemist table and realized for the forth time that he had never really taken notes in alchemy classes.
He conjured a bear, viper, ogre, and a cat, and realized he had been able to conjure an incredible array of things lately. Thing was they were all rather lifeless.
He sat down on his couch and tried not to think how empty his life had become since he’d gotten the mission to teleport Dalaran into Un’goru crater.
He conjured a map and looked at how the city and crater fitted together like pieces of a puzzle.
And how the crater was the perfect natural magic circle.
He dispelled the map, and sighed.
Teleporting a gigantic magical city wasn’t really hard.
It was the waiting part that really killed you.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.