jæja nú fara hlutir loks að gerast.
þið vinnið lokum, ég er að fara yfir söguna til að senda hana til blizzard.
128 bls, verður vesen að prenta út.


43rd chapter

Making amends

She felt her magic fail, her power crumble.
“How?” she asked herself, “why?”
Did she not have what it took?
Had she not done all that was in her power?
These questions bombard her as she looked at her sister’s magic take over and attack her without mercy.
And suddenly she felt so cold, and began to fall from the sky.
As if every moment was a millennium she found her self falling to her final and ultimate death.
And then she saw her sister fall down too, and she smiled in her mind at the idea that at least she’d taken her down too.
But there was no joy, no happiness or redemption in the thought, only sorrow and ….and even more sorrow.
She was dead. And so was her sister.
How could that be just? how could that be right?
A frozen tear glittered on her cheeks as Exen’tor came flying and grabbed Mizra from the air.
She looked at him and his black wings as he tried to climb the wind up the mountain of ice Sira’dreth had fallen on.
And for a moment she knew she was safe in his arms.
Exen’tor said nothing but concentrated on his beating wings and set his eyes atop the ice mountain.

Slowly they ascended up through the air. The storm had passed and thunders shook every once in a while as if trying remind the bloodelfs of its powers.
They ignored it and slowly ascended.
Finally atop the mountain they came, where sira’dreth lay hardly breathing through the wheezes of exhaustion.
She looked up at Mizra in Exen’tor arms as they came into view.
Even though she was obviously experiencing mass exhaustion she fought through and raised her hands towards Mizra
She said with much difficulty: “I’m…… so …….. sorry.”
Her hand fell down towards the ice, and her breathing slowly stopped.
Exen’tor dropped Mizra violently to the ground and said roughly : ”heal her.”
Mizra was shocked by the sudden cold treatment and the impossible demand.
“What? I can’t… heal anyone.”
“Damn it Mizra heal her! now!”
“But I can’t…”
He bent down ,took hold of her hair and pulled her head close to his and yelled with madness: “damn I’m telling you right now, this is no time for tricks or politeness, you healed me back in the temple, heal her now or she will die.”
“I’m telling you I…”
Mizra looked at Sira’dreth, reached out and touched her face and searched for a way to bring forth any kind of power to heal but couldn’t.
She was completely empty of power, hardly managed to keep herself conscious.

She searched deep within her mind for any clues of magic that might help her but it didn’t matter. She had no healing powers.
Then it hit her.
She opened her eyes. Sat up, put her hands on Sira’dreths chest and said her rhyme.
“Five symbols of power.
Five symbols of fall
Five symbols of magic
And the meaning of it all”
She felt nothing, but somehow she knew that this was it, this was what Exen’tor was talking of. And her mother, if that dream of her had been real.
She said it again, and again, while screaming in her mind: come on! Come on! Work!
She felt oh so tired, and she was beginning to think that she really didn’t have any kind of healing powers.
She gave up on the rhyme and fell down on Sira’dreth’s cold chest,
“Come on she said, come on, mother if I really didn’t dream you I need you now.”
A thought entered her mind.
Please she said desperately, please mother come and help us.

And her heart was suddenly filled with life, with energy, with the very essence, the aspect of life.
And it flowed throughout her body like a rush of adrenaline. She glowed with it, not from the skin but rather from the inside, her veins seemed ready to explode and shone with a reddish light that burst through Exen’tor skin and made him feel younger and stronger than he’d felt in years.
And with a gasp of life Sira’dreth awakened, began breathing as the red energy surged from Mizra’s body to her own.

As quickly as it began did the energy surge back into Mizra and disappeared deep within her soul.
And the sisters were left there panting, exhausted , bewildered but alive.
Exen’tor came into view from behind a rock like ice formation.
He walked quickly and angrily at them. He asked them furious:” now that we’re not dying from mortal wounds maybe you can explain to me what in the name of the light were you two thinking?”
Neither answered, so Exen’tor kept on going.
“You are supposed to be allies! Teammates! For light’s sake you’re sisters! And now you try to kill each other, flying around testing powers we don’t even understand how you got.”
“We’re in the middle of the great sea, in the middle of a storm, just got through an undead attack and you start biting each others heads off.”
“Actually I know from where we ….” Sira’dreth began
“ She killed me! “Mizra yelled back at Exen’tor and pointed at Sira’dreth.
“You’re still alive aren’t you? And besides it was an accident, it doesn’t give you a reason for attack her out of the blue.”
O”ut of the blue? She threw a fireball at the size of a house at me!”
“She didn’t know you were there, did you?”
Sira’dreth didn’t know what to say, she wanted to tell the truth, but she knew what would happen then. The group would break apart and she’d have to face questions he couldn’t answer.
What was she to say? That sudden bloodlust and belief that a voice in the darkness of her mind had taken over and decided that mizra needed to die?
Instead she looked them in the eyes and lied with a conviction: “no of course not.”
“And don’t even get me started on you Sira”, Exen’tor continued furious,” I don’t even want to know how many people you killed on those ships. Damnit we’re supposed to be the good guys! At east not the guys that kill thousands of innocents because it improves their changes.”
Mizra looked him in the eye, “this isn’t like you Exen’tor, I’ve never seen you so angry before.
Exen’tor face became milder and then crumbled as he fell down drowning his face in his hands.
“You try seeing your friends kill thousands of people, burn and drown to death and then without warning fight like madmen to life and death.
He looked up and said, “don’t you ever do this again, I’m trying to bring us all together so we can understand what’s happening to us and save our people from the scourge. Not to fight. Never to fight each other.”
No one said anything for a long time.
Far away the final thunder rolled.

She was not sure why she did not tell them.
Maybe to avoid any complicated questions about where she got the information. Maybe because she liked keeping secrets, and maybe because she wasn’t really sure whether or not she believed the voice herself.
But most likely because they would never believe her, hell she didn’t know what to believe these days.
So Sira’dreth kept her mouth shut, walked to Exen’tor, picked up Mesfer who’d come out of his back some time ago, put him down at her side and sat next to Exen’tor.

Mizra however stood up, picked Mesfer up and threw the unsuspecting imp from the mountain towards a big ice tree which he hit quite violently.

She then sat next to Exen’tor and said with hope in her voice, “lets make things the way they used to be. “
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.