jæja þetta er dálítið stór áfangi.
í fyrsta lagi er ég núna kominn í 40 kafla, nokkuð oflugt finnst mér og á sama tíma í hundrað blaðsíður.
það fer að styttast í að maður hafi samband við blizzard.
allavega enjoy

40th chapter

The death of Mizra

Their eyes met and Sira’dreth threw a ball of fire even bigger than the last.
For a split second Mizra couldn’t believe the death hurling towards her at an impossible rate.
It didn’t matter whether or not she believed it though.
Her wings were too slow for something like that, her shield couldn’t possibly take that damage and she was too far away to jump in the sea.
No matter, she had to try.
She bolted towards the rudder but she was too slow.
The fire ball hit the ship and exploded.
The explosion hit Mizra in the back, her shield took most of the heat, but the shockwave broke her hand, most of her ribs and cracked her spine.
Even with her shield she felt her skin boil and blister and her hair burn away.
The shockwave thrust her up and out of the ship and into the sweet embrace of the sea.
She didn’t struggle. She felt her cracked ribs tearing her lungs and her heart bravely denying to give up although it had a bone scratching it.
The waves of the sea was cold, so cold.
Mizra had always liked in the cold. When she was a kid she used to hide icebolts in her snowballs when winter came.
Too bad when she killed that human kid with it when she was angry.
Ah well.
„So tired“ she thought, „three hundred and fifty years, that’s a pretty good run. Why didn’t I notice sooner how tired I was?“
Her heart beat the last futile beat.
And with that Mizra fell into sweetest embrace of the longest sleep and sank deeper into the great sea.

There are words that describe feelings, things and people.
But sometimes no one word can describe any of this, sometimes you simply feel so many things at the same time that there are no words.
Such were the feelings of Exen’tor at that moment. He just stared at Sira’dreth, stunned in surprise, anger, sorrow, disgust, fury and still couldn’t believe what had just happened.
„Well now that’s over with can we move on? I really don’t like this ocean thing “
Sira’dreth said casually.
„What have you done?“ Exen’tor said gaping.
„He asked what you’d done you crazy blood elf bitch“, Ankthar in his elven form said furious and grabbed her by the collar.
Hvenfifar growled menacingly beside him.
„I ..just saved us!? Get your hands off me,“ Sira’dreth answered stunned over the hostility.
„By killing countless other!“ Exen’tor said, wanting to scream but unable to find energy to do so.
„So? If that’s the choice, if it’s you or some people whom you’ve never met, what’s the answer going to be? Who would you pick.“
Exen’tor wanted to answer but truly didn’t know what he was supposed to say.
„I was protecting us the only way possible, those ships would’ve smashed ours into bits.“
„Mizra was taking them out , diverting their course, it would’ve worked.“
„No it wouldn’t have worked! This was the only way.“
Well I guess we’ll never know that now. But you still killed hundreds if not thousands of innocents not mention the boat Mizra was trying“…Exen’tor looked around.
„Where’s Mizra?“
Sira’dreth threw a confused look around, „I thought she she’d already come back, ravening about how I nearly killed her. “
„You mean you knew she was there?“
„well of course not initially but when I was too far in the casting to stop I caught a glimpse of her.“
„you didn’t die“ Sira’dreth said to herself, you can take a beating worse than that,
where are you she said to herself, as she scoured the waves and the burning debris in the ocean.
„where are you?“

Somewhere in the darkness children sang:
“five symbols of power.”
“Five symbols of fall”
“Five symbols of magic”
“And the meaning of it all.”
A star, no a ray of light.
“Maybe it’s the afterlife?”
She traveled to the light, how she got there was beyond her but somehow the light got closer and closer.
And then suddenly it was snowing. Far to the north the mountains of quel’thalas glistened with snow.
There was a pond, a forest and a cottage. A floating shack and children dancing around a bonfire in the middle of the day.
Mizra was home.
“Hello daughter.”
She looked at the woman she’d known for so long as her own mother.
“Mom?” She asked.
The woman shook her head with a smile,” no dearest not the mother you think of although I am your mother in a way.”
Mizra looked around, “where is this?”
the woman tapped her forehead, up here.
“oh, but , I ‘m dead right?”
“Oh yes I’m quite afraid of that.”
“Oh. Damn. TO THEN ETEHR WITH THAT SIRA’DRETH! What in the light was she thinking?”
“I’m afraid I have a dreadful idea about that but according to an agreement I can’t tell you any of that. “
“ but fear not you will live again!”
“What? how? How can you do that?”
“If it concerns live I can attend to it ,” the woman said smiling. “I have to ask though: have you noticed any difference in your spell casting lately?”
Children ran around them, hiding behind each and throwing snowballs at each other.
Mizra shooed them away and answered looking after the kids as they ran through a pile of snow:” well not as such, I cast spells, people die, I’ve never actually put much thought into it but now that you mention it one frostbolt or a two haven’t really felt like frostbolts , much more like some kind of a life draining bolt.”
“But the effects were the same, the troll died, and well dehydrated, and now that I think about it imploded a bit into himself, but that’s pretty standard with the trolls I think.”
“Yes that is exactly the change I was looking for the woman said with a big smile and gently touched Mizra’s cheeks., I wish I could bring you closer, you are the most mature one, except for Manvalas of course, but he’s a bit special.”
She suddenly put up a face of grave concern, “Manvalas “she said, “he’s in trouble, of the very worst kind.”
“Hurry, make haste, rejoin with Wisim, he holds the knowledge you need and also needs to be stopped, he doesn’t know hat he’s doing.”
“What? What’s he doing?”
“I’m sorry, it is not my place to say I believe my brother would rather be the one to explain. Now hurry. Live again. And receive this gift from me. I may not be allowed to elevate you but this is the least of gifts.”
And as the fading image of the woman became the gagging strength of the sea she heard the words come from a faraway place.

“Your place is that of the key, discover your meaning of it all and you may prevent the past to repeat itself.”

Mizra grasped for air as she soared up the ocean with a renewed and seemingly endless energy.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.