
Twenty-second chapter

That’s the only possible description exen’tor could later think of.
Fire.Everywhere. wherever you looked there was something burning the ground, the walls the sky. Even the air was burning,
He closed his eyes, every thing eh knew about fire told him that this was the end.
This was it. When fire was burning the air around him the heat was too much for any mortal creature.
His eyes closed and he fell down on his knees from over exhaustion and the heat.

But his doom didn’t come.
His lungs continued to hurt, but the heat around him seemed to be held back.
Through ash and smoke he opened his eye to a sight he’d never forget.
Through the fiery inferno she waded through the fire untouched .With fire wrapped around her as the finest silk sira dreth stood in front of him with eyes exen’tor had never seen.
Fire. power. Death. That’s what he saw in them.
Not sira’dreth,not his companion. not the woman he’d known.
She was smiling as a hunter smiles just before he lets loose an arrow on a doomed prey.
„Oh exen’tor“ she said in the same solid voice as before, „you really are hopeless.“
He tried to talk but his mouth was full of soot.
He coughed violently.

“I should have known you would try to kill me“, she squatted down and lifted exen’tors slumping head in front of her eyes.
She eyed him curiously as if seeing his dying face for the first time.
„You know, the only thing that’s keeping you alive is m“e she said with kindness,„ if I wanted you’d become smoldering ruins.“
She smiled as she had so many years ago.„ Maybe you were right in betraying me,I’m obviously too powerful „.
Exen’tor coughed.

„Si…sira I don’t know from where you got the idea but …cough cough.. it’s a sack of lies.i have never…“
„Then explain your purpose here!“ She said angrily. Exen’tor felt that if he answered in a manner she didn’t saw fit, well it would be the last of him, Mizra Ankthar and his stupid cat .
He grabbed her hand and looked her in the eye.
„We came here to save you.“
She tried to pull her hand away in disgust .but Exen’tor held on somehow revitalized.
We’ve waded through lava wyrms trolls and thousand miles of jungle,
She set her hand ablaze but he held her, his hand now protected by some kind of sand.
„We’ve fought through priests, predators and past sins, we´ve been tried and tested, we’ve taken on a city full of trolls and we’ve prevailed.“
He was now standing, looking down on the sira’dreth as she sat down there in awe.

Exen’tor´s hair now glimmered in yellow.
“We’ve been to hell and back and it was all done for you. All our sacrifices and work
We did it all because we want you back.“
„I… I did it all…. for you“. With his last remark he let her hand drop .
„So if you wan’t to kill us for that go ahead.“
He looked at her with a face full of disappointment.
„Because then maybe we should have never even have tried to save you as stupid as we were.“

There was no stop to the flames.
A doubt entered sira’dreths mind.
What exen’tor had said meant nothing to her but an inconsistency in the voice’s propaganda stood there in front of her.
She’d thought that she was the only one who had changed but exen’tor obviously had been trhough something himself.
She stood up. The flames gained energy.
„Let me test something“ she said with an evil grin on her face.
„What are you…. “Exen’tor began but the fires poured over him in an unstoppable force.
Sira’dreth stood before him, her hair set ablaze and her smile exceeded by some kind of fiery wings coming out of her back.
For a second exen’tor seemed lost, dead to the world.
For a second it exen’tor recited his last prayers as he prepared for whatever world he would enter.
But he never did for a sthe second passed he was sound and safe, protected by some kind of a frozen armor

All fires, all flames and heat was suddenly gone and dealt with.
And all that stood left on the top of the temple were three blood elves.
„WHAT. IS. GOING.ON?“ mizra yelled short of breath, her ice blue chest heaved heavily and her hair was clad in icicles.
The power in her blue eyes seemed to exceed all that exen’tor had ever seen before.

Sira’dreth was fast becoming quite doubtful of the voice’s messages. Why would they need to fear her if they obviously had the same potential.
But still, something didn’t add up.
She looked suspiciously at Exen’tor who seemed just as stunned by mizra’s sudden change.
„Then why did you tell me to stay and let it happen? Why did you seem so consumed by evil.why……“ she looked down and a drop of lava fell from her eyes.

She looked up once again fury incarnated, her hair set ablaze and her eyes gleaming with fiery power: „HOW CAN I BELIEVE YOU.“
Exen’tor’s visage darkened.
He looked down in the direction of Mesfer. took a step, picked the bondaged creature up.
Wad afh ho hoing the imp asked his voice muffled by the spider web he had been bound by before.
Exen’tor raised him towards his chest and pushed him inside.
„What are you.. “sira began but couldn’t continue. the sight was to horrible.
Exen’tor’s body had transformed.
His left hand had changed into something demonic, half of his face had turned black and his left eye was glowing in demonic green.

„I told you to let the transformation happen to me,I told you to stay away from here and to save mizra. But when youn began to fire up one of th trolls smashed the link to those dark powers to pieces,“he said with a thunder of a deep voice

„We’ve all been through evil “he continued.
„Some more than others and I assure there will be no end of the evil any time soon.
But together we stand a change,„ he began walking towards Sira’dreth,“ together we can change this, together there is hope for all of us.“
„Stay back “,she threatened

„I don’t know why you mistrust us so but I promise, things will be better, we will prove our loyalty and friendship..“
He reached out his demonic hand and touched sira’dreths blazing chin.
He looked at her with care in his demonic eye.
„Put down the flames sira.“

She looked at him with doubt in her eyes and decided: the voice had already proved to be untrustworthy, she could give in for now to see their real power.
She flung herself into her eyes and grinned at the drama surrounding her.
Is if she would believe his words, his actions and history would tell her whether he could be trustworthy.
She flung herself in his arms and he changed back into his normal self.

Mesfer bounced out of his body still wrapped in the spider web.
He bounced up and down towards the temple walls. He rolled the last centimeters down the wall screaming at exen’tor: „fuuuugghhhh hooo I haghhe hooo.“

Mizra finally gave up on the hugging couple.
„Can somebody please tell me what in the twisting nether is going on!“ She asked quite irritated.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.