jámm ég hef fengið nokkrar„kvartanir“ um að kaflinn hafi ekki komið á tilskildum tíma og ég náttúrulega biðst afsökunar á því.
ég var einfaldlega ekki nærri neinni nettengdri tölvu þegar kalfinn var tilbúinn enda einhversstaðar lengst útí sveit.
allavega. tíundi kafli. enjoy

Tenth chapter.

„HURRY UP!“ Frostwind screamed at the blood elves as he ran towards the newly created gap. Mizra stayed still and allowed the ice to fall from her body and Exen´tor stayed at her side.
„I didn´t notice you fighting them“ she remarked bluntly.

„Heh“ ,he replied, „you seemed to be handling things on your own so I didn´t want to ruin your thing.“
„Excuses,excuses“ she smiled at him.

„Woah woah easy there, relax and say that again“ exen´tor tried to ease the anxious gnome.
Frostwind breathed in, out, and tried once more.
„I think we can get down there before the tunnels collapse.“

„Frostwind listen to me,“ exen´tor calmly explained, we are not going down a tunnel dug by a fiery worm like thing that can collapse every second.
„But we ,,but I“ ,, Frostwind started but was interrupted by exen´tor:„ the wyrm is undoubtedly going somewhere. We just have to find out where.“
„But how ,,“
„Now do you know anything about where they might have gone, any idea at all?

„Well no I,,,I mean ,,I think,,, I think I know where they are going. “
„What? Where?“
„well you see “,Frostwind was obviously blushing, „in her sleep she often mumbled about some guys named Hakkar and Ragnaros. “

The blood elves were silent. They knew who those “guys” were.
The silence crept on and both blood elves stared gravely at Frostwind.
„Hakkar“, Exen´tor commented gravely,„and Ragnaros , what´s their connection?“
„I don´t know “ ,Mizra stated, „but that can’t be good, but now we now where we can find her, she´s either at the Searing gorge or Stranglethorn vale.“

„We must find her at either place. I have been to booty bay, so I suggest we start there.“
„But those things came hardly from the trolls.“
„True but unless you´ve been to the searing gorge which I doubt the trolls are our next destination“
„I´ll come with you“ Frostwind said decisively „I must save her.“
No ye will na’ ,Magni Bronzebeard thundered behind them.

They turned around. And behind them was a battallion of dwarfs, Ankthar In his half elf form and Xarock who had obviously released himself from the ice were held by a team of the surliest dwarfs to ever walk the forge.
And the king of the dwarfs stood there in front of them, giant axe in hand.

„Ye won’t go anywhere away from here, we need someone ta take responsibility for all o’ this“ he said in a commanding voice only a king can muster.
„But I,,“he began.
„Ye nightelves however“ he said and looked at the bloodelves still under the illusion spell, „ye will be treated as the heroes ye are, yewill ‘ave everything ye want “.
„I´m sorry king bronzebeard but as of now all we need is a couple of gryphons and reagents for teleportation,“ Exen´tor said bowing, Trying to act like a night elf.

„Make that three gryphons will ye, ehh I mean you“.
„Silence hybrid!“ Magni thundered, and walked slowly towards Exen´tor and said in a failed attempt to whisper:„I know who ye are blood elf, tha only reason am letting ye go is ‘cause ye ‘aved me city.“

He turned around and roared to his men, „come one ye mudknippers! Get them the gryphons and tha magic stuff.“
The dwarfs released Ankthar and Xarock and ran somewhere into the forge.

„What happened to you?“ Exen´tor asked when the steps of the last dwarf had died out.
„Well I got caught up when one of those things jumped from the lava“ Ankthar explained having seemingly lost his dwarfen accent.
„And I hopped my way to him“ xarock said smiling proudly
„Err yeah so we began hacking at the ,, thing, when it started changing and taking shape of a drake.“
„So I jumped on its back!“ Xarock anxiously detailed.
„So he jumped on its back,“ Ankthar sighed ,„ and began cutting it with its sword.“
„I was all like , Frostwind see, like shwamm schwomm scwhabb!“ Xarock reenacted with very exaggerated moves and then lifted up his sword and said with great anticipation,„ and then came the killing blow splabbbs! Did you see that Frostwind? splabbs!“
„So basically we killed it“ Ankthar ended sadly.

„Why do you hang around him?“ Exen´tor whispered to Frostwind looking at Xarock waving his sword madly around.
„You know I ask myself that question every day“ Frostwind answered hopelessly.

The dwarfes came back with the reagents and three gryphons in a tow.
„These gryph’s ‘re used ta teleportation“ one of the dwarfs said surly,„ they know the way ta ironforge so when ye’ve used them ye just release them to the wilds. They know where ta fly.“
Exen´tor thanked them with a blessing from a loon and prepared the teleportation circle.

Frostwind approached Mizra as she was getting ready for the jungle.
„Mizra?“ He said.
„Yes?“ She replied smiling.
„Take this“ he said and revealed a small shining ball in his hand.
„What is it?
„t’s a new gnomish technology. Combining technology and magic.I call it a spatiallo-location-accurrate-teleportation-tactical –entrance-regulator.
Push this button, he pointed to small red button, and I will be notified by this“, he pulled up another ball. The balls will then make a one way portal between themselves.
Mizra smiled, took the ball and said: „i´ll take this to her“.
Frostwind blushed and said, „no ,, no it isn’t for that“

„Mizra we’re going!“ Exen´tor interrupted.
„So long Frostwind“ Mizra waved.
„Lets get going“ Ankthar said and hosted his gun to his shoulder.
Exen’tor began his channeling, the air was filled with magic and then they were gone.
Frostwind stood there, red in his eyes.
„Did you see when I came all like swhosh!?“ Xarock asked excited.
„No ,,,,I mean yes ,yes I saw it.“
„Ohh well i´ll show you anyhow.“
„Oh dear.“

A familiar feeling of color swirling around and eyes bulging out of their skulls, seconds before appearing in booty bay.

The sun was shining and the sudden exchange from the gloomy forge made them cower from it until their eyes became accustomed to the bright shining sun of stranglethorn vale.

„I don’t like this place“ Mizra stated.
„Why?“ Ankthar asked still getting used to his elven accent which had suddenly taken over, „is it the fact that it seems that in every shadow there lurks a bloodthirsty rogue? Or the fact that this whole town is build upon the riches that the goblins gained from the horde and the alliance killing each other? Or even the fact that somewhere out there in this jungle your lost friend might be tortured to her death?“
„No“ she answered quite shocked at the possibilities,„ its just that there is so much water in the air here that I could possibly freeze everything around me next time I sneeze.“

Exen´tor and Ankthar were quite shocked at the reveleation.
„Well at least try to give us a warning will ya?“ Exen´tor said keeping a fair distance away from Mizra.

She awoke in a stone room. There were carvings on the ceiling. And blood. To her right was a broken stone table. The room was lit by fires that flew around it generating light where they passed.
She tried to move but was encumbered by jewelries. She tried to burn them off felt powerless. Her powers, her magic, they didn´t come out. They were there within her. But something was holding them back, blocking them like an impenetrable wall.

So she couldn´t move or do any magic. She snickered as she thought „At least i look good with all those jewelries“.

Strength returned to her in the end and she began to move around ,beginning with removing the gold on her chest and face.

Within minutes she was loose from all the gold and diamonds and walking around her room in her red robes looking for a way out.
But the only way was the bloodied and dented stone door in the middle of the wall opposite of her room.

But even if she would find a way out there was no way out of the situation.
They were going to succeed and HE would come into the world.
The only good part was that she´d hopefully be too dead to do see the fall of everything.

She walked to bed and huddled to the stony thing.
Her only hope lay with her long forgotten friends.
But what could they do against the might of the ancient gods.
It was lost. She had no hope of her own, but her greatest hopes were now flying over the jungle hell of stranglethorn vale.
The aspects of hope that flew to their friend’s aid.
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.