nú, vegna þess að allavega tvær manneskjur lásu söguna mína ákvað ég að henda inn restinni sem ég er búinn að skrifa. það er mun meira upp í hausnum á mér en nenni varla að skrifa það ef enginn svör eða komment koma.

Second chapter.

In the mountains of the fallen elf kingdom, the snow didn´t fall, raged all around in the most furius storm this land had seen for years. And this land had seen many storms in the past years.

Unfortunately elves aren´t made for bad weather. Even rain gets them down to the level of depression and surrender, and worse weathers make them suicidal.
And blizzards most definitely fall in the category of bad weathers.

The storm seemed magically imbued or even conjured. The flakes were as big as Exen’tors palm and stroke him as thousand tiny swords.
He knew the story of this land enough to know that this storm was relentless and eternal. Conjured by the lich kel’thuzad to forever make the homelands of the elves unhabitable. But there was obviously another power playing along and exen´tor had terrible hunch what that power was. But that was not of any importance as of now.
He was breaking down, and every step was a mortal pain.
At first he had aimed to outlast the Imp Mesfer and continue without a stop.
But long ago had the imp had enough and returned coughing to his considerably warmer plane.
And now Exen´tor , holdin Mizra in his hands was falling away. His concentration done for and his legs simply moving out of habit in a direction he believed to be forward.
He was walking, no running ,on draenor, he and his companions.
They were running through a portal their roars shaking the earth as they ran and attacked , and suddenly it became cold so cold.,
NO he screamed in his head, NO I must continue, cant lose it now there must be someone left alive here.
I must continue, must go on , I must save Mizra, without her this whole thing is meaningless.
He continued for while courageously taking a few steps.
But then the world became a consuming darkness and Exen´tor and Mizra were nearly buried alive under the killing snow.


He was fighting the undead, the dwarfs were falling around him. Batter lay there before him, his head twisted in the most unnatural way.
And he was alone, so alone.
So alone in this big chamber made of stone. So alone, so angry, so heavenly angry. The hate flowing from him, flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing in every direction he nearly escaped , he nearly escaped and barely escaped the looming death. The laughter he ran away from. This terrifying laughter, that screeched through his bones.
The laughter. He ran away.
Far away , anywhere but here, anywhere. He couldn´t catch him, he wouldn´t.
he would warn the others. He would warn them, he´d stop the invasion and save his prince. He´d tell them the truth.

Exen’tor woke up with the laughter still in his ears. Howling echoing as clearly as the day it first sounded in his head.
He blocked the sound and became aware how incredibly warm he felt.
He was not in the snow anymore. He was under what seemed to be an unreasonably thick bear skin, as thick as his head he assumed.
He tried to move around but noticed then that over him lay the biggest dog he had ever laid eyes on.
He tried to form a plan but as disoriented as he was all managed to come up with was a weak and soft: „shoo, go away boy“.

The dog ,predictably, ignored him completely and simply waggled his unnaturally big tail around.
Stupid he said to himself , „stupid“, and banged his head to the pillow under his head.
For a time exen´tor did nothing, letting his senses come to him.
Finally with a sigh and some effort he pulled his hand from the hide and pointed it to the dog.
Sorry about that boy he said and a sudden lapse of blue energy spun from his hands to the dogs head.
he fell down straightaway, snoring like an ogre.
Then with a move of his hand ,exen´tor moved the dog magically away from the bed.
As soon as the dog fell on the appearantly wooden floor exent´tor threw the thick hide away only to reveal Mizra´s body next to him in the bed.
Her breasts fell down and raised high in a respectable order clearly showing she was breathing.
But her skin was so white and cold that under normal circumstances exen´tor would have believed her to be dead.
But she was alive and as exen´tor studied her vitals he praised the light for this blessing.
He noticed dark marks in her palms, on her forehead and between her waggling breasts akin to his own marks in those places.
Exen´tor sighed cursing the bloody light for this misfortune when he finally came around and noticed
Mizra was completely naked from top to bottom. And at that moment he realized his own lack of clothes and felt his cheeks blushing irredeemably.
He heard a door crack open and went to desperate measures to at least save himself from this embarrassment.
He reached for the hide and threw it over himself and Mizra but somehow got tangled up in the most peculiar way and rolled down on to the floor with the very much naked Mizra on top.
And thats how they lay ,tangled in bear hides and Mizra´s breasts nearly suffocating Exen´tor, when an unnaturally big dwarf walked in the room and looked upon the couple with an unpleasant and judging look in his eyes.
The dwarf held a pipe in his right hand and stuffed it in his mouth as he scanned the situation for a few seconds.
He took a puff and and then said with a certain laughter in his voice:
„Well i´ve got to say me boy , I usually don’t let the ladies take the top, but hey, i´m an open minded person, no judging here.“
Exentor ,breathing in short turns, only managed to grumble: its not *gasp*what it looks like .
„Oh of course it isn´t my friend, ye were only protecting her, I see that clearly.“ The dwarf was obviously enjoying this enormously and took another puff from the pipe.
Exen´tor admitting his deafeat in the situation,decide to reason with the dwarf:„ I tell you this my possible savior, if she ever finds out about this *gasp* you will find yourself dying in the quickest way possible ,*gasp* by my hand *gasp* before she kills me ,in the most horrendous way.“
Th dwarf only laughed

After mizra´s body had again been covered by the thick bear hide and the sleeping dogs body, Exen´tor ,now fully dressed, sat down in with the dwarf in the living room of the cabin they were in. The cabin was built out of strong logs with windows on every side , but they weren’t of much use for now as the storm shook the house like twig in the wind. A well was placed in the middle of the room , filled with warm water. In the corner exentor and the dwarf had sat down was a fireplace where a blue flame burned with great warmth.
Exen´tor wondered why the dwarf lived in a cabin in the mountains while most of his kin lived in harmony inside the mountains, and also noticed that the dwarf was not wearing any of the usual bear hide or any other normal dwarfish cloths.
But he decided to let it slide reminding himself that anyone living out here in these plaguelands had to be at least on the strange side.
The dwarf tossed him a mug and said:„ just name the drink ye want in that mug and it will be full of it, but burning hot though mind ye ,unless ye want yer mead steaming.“

Exen´tor snorted gleefully and whispered into his mug, accustomed to this kind of artifacts in his old home:„brown tea“.
And as soon as the last word had left his mouth the mug was filled to the brim with strong and burning hot brown tea.
The odor from the dwarf’s mug was sweet and reminded him somehow of the forest in his home, but he couldn’t really remember how so.
They sat there quiet for a while. Sipping their drinks and looking into the magical fire, until exen´tor finally broke the silence by asking the dwarf thoughtfully: „I guess we owe you our lives master dwarf, I thank you graciously. “
Pleased the dwarf swiftly replied , „just call me ankthar, a priest of the light“.
„greetings then ankthar, I am exen´tor windrunner , a warlock of my own“ Exentor replied with haste and then continued carefully, „Might I ask you as of how you managed to find us in the blizzard the ravages your house even now?“
Without looking away from the blue fire pointed ankthar behind his back to the well.
“Yer dreams woke me and through that well of scrying I found ye buta few strides from me home.„
Exen´tor was puzzled. His dreams may have been “broadcasted” with his concentration and alarm down, but for a dwarf to pick them up and find him through the use of a magical well seemed unlikely in the least.
Skeptical and growing increasingly wary of his savior exen´tor asked with great care:
„Surely there are not many dwarfs that know those arts are there?“
Ankthar looked at him as he had said something incredibly funny: „Dwarfs?“
He mimicked sarcastically. „No there aren’t many dwarfs that are capable of such a feat, but then again it helps that I am no dwarf.“
The statement caught exen´tor off guard. Surely the accent , the small statue and the big nose were those of a dwarf, but as he scanned the features of ankthar he realized that the nose had nose had severely diminished and ankthar was now only barely smaller than exen´tor .
Wide eyed exen´tor saw the dwarf changing into an elf, just like himself.
Eyebrows grew,facial features smoothed and the hair changed from brown to a brilliant blond and ankthar reached exen´tors full size.
Ankthar shook his body as if shaking away a chill and grinned exen´tors way.
„I´m a dwelf“ ankthar proudly proclaimed, „and probably the only one left mind ye.“
Exen´tor could do nothing but gape for a few moments until he realized his awkvardness and closed his mouth.
„A ,, a dwelf ?“
„Yes. half elf half dwarf, they say I got me mothers beard“.

Surely exen´tor had heard of such hybrids but those had always received either races features and specialities. Never had they been able to shapeshift from a dwarf to an elf so easily as this one here.
„But a dwelf, you ,how can you change so easily? That’s hardly possible by any normal standards?“
„Nahhh not really but me parents never really finished a sentence without arguing with the other one. So their heritage was bound to continue fighting in me.“
Exen´tor still looked at the dwelf with a tremendous doubt in his eyes.
„That’s hardly enough to cause such,, such,,, anomaly.“
Ankthar sighed ,„ allright I fell in the sunwell when I was young would that be ample enough proof?“
Exen´tor looked as satisfied with that reason as he could get so ankthar snorted loudly, „wizards, blame it on magic and they´ll always be satisfied.“Letting it slide that he wasn´t really a wizard exen´tor silenced himself.

Long time paseed until they spoke again. They simply drank their drinks and stared into the blue flames.
Finally when the dwelf was finished with his drink he clapped on his dwarfen belly and as unusual it was for an elf (or an half elf for that matter) burbed.
Then he turned exen´tors way.
„I have never seen such wounds that both of you carry. Might I inquire ye ´pon that matter?“
exen´tor knew this was as much of a friendly question as an investigation. A servant of the light knew undoubtedly that the marks mizra and he carried were no normal wounds of the scource.
„You might as well, but I don´t really think you want to know the tale behind it.“
Ankthars visage dimmed. „Listen ´ere boy i´ve been in the three of the so called great wars. I ´ought in sylvans army and ´ealed the fledgling resistance in lorderon. Ye might think that healers have it good standing in the back waving their arms basked´n light´n all. But let me tell you. every wound I heal I have to do myself, it is no automatic trick. Every cell ,every muscle, everything I must replace with but a small help from a light in the sky.
So don´t ye be telling me what I want to hear,boy i´ve never seen such a taint of the scource as in you two.“
Ankthar was pretty much steaming at this point but Exen´tor simply shrugged and smiled weakly.
„Very well then , I suppose I do at least owe you this ,my savior.
Mizra´s tale is her own to tell and mine will be fileld with loops of my mind and of my choosing. it is a dark one I warn you and only a prequel to the great mission me and mizra have at hand.“

Exen´tor looked up as in looking back in some memory long past redemption.
„Once me mizra and three others were the elites of the blood elves. Special guards of kael and disciples of illidan.
We saved the entire blood elven host in northrend although no one will never truly know or care. We were friends once and team. Stronger than any you can imagine. When illidan had taught us his ways he gave us a name in a joke that in the end stuck on us:
The gatekeepers“
most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.