Eg vil fyrst biðjast afsokunar a thvi að eg get ekki notað islenskt lyklaborð thar sem eg by erlendis, en gerdi tho copy af ð til ad hjalpa sma i að hafa thetta auðskiljanlegra.

Eg er nu tiltolulega nyr i leiknum og hef laert einhvad nytt i hverri viku sem eg hef spilad leikinn. Mer finnst leikurinn vera frabaer og hreinlega otrulegt hversu háður leiknum maður verður, en thad sem eg hata messt vid thennan leik eru leikmenn sem verda alveg brjaladir og kalla mann noobs ef madur veit ekki einhvad eda gerir einhvad skritid, an thess ad utskyra fyrir manni hvad madur gerdi rangt. Svona folk vil eg kalla krakka, eda othroskadar personur sem bera skal að vorkenna.

Eg vidurkenni samt ad thad er messt pirrandi ad vera med einhverjum i group sem gerir alltaf NEED, ala low lvl Allies, tok ekki mikid eftir thessu sem Horde. En tha utskyri eg bara fyrir theim afhverju td warrior tharf ekki cloth, rogue tharf ekki mail, etc. A medan sumir sem eru greinilega ekki noobs hreinlega haetta i group i midju instance og yta a hearthstone, og madur er allt i einu i instance an Tank's eda mikilvaegasta manninum i group, the Priest.

En annars, til ad hjalpa theim noobs sem koma hingad til ad laera meira um leikinn tha fann eg thetta sem hjalpar mjog vel og menn geta gefid comment ef thetta er einhvad rangt, lesid thetta sem eg fann a wikipedia og mer fannst thaegilegt ad lesa og skilja, hefdi viljad lesid thetta thegar eg var ad byrja:

Attributes are referred to as “stats” within the game.

Strength (STR), Intelligence (INT), Spirit (SPI), Agility (AGIL/AGI) and Stamina (STA/STAM) are the attributes of World of Warcraft. These attributes hold a key role in determining a character's health (hit points), mana (mana is what is used up by casting spells) attack power (each point of attack power increases a character's damage per second by 1/14), armor (reduces the amount of damage you take), dodge, parry, and critical strike chances (a default of double damage with ranged and melee weapons) health regeneration, mana regeneration, and critical strike chance with spells (a default of one and a half damage with spells).

Agility increases attack power by 1 point, armor by 2 points, and ranged attack power by 2 points for each level of agility a character has. Agility is also linked to a character's chance to dodge, parry and critical strike with a weapon (although the degree of effect varies for each class). Hunters and Rogues generally need as much agility as possible from gear (in game equipment).

Strength increases attack power by 2 points and is linked to the amount of damage done when blocking with a shield. This attribute is generally important for all melee classes (Warriors, Shamans, and Paladins,) although Rogues and Hunters also benefit from strength.

Intelligence increases the maximum amount of mana a character can attain by 15 points per intelligence level. It is also linked to the chance to critical strike with spells (roughly 100 points of intelligence equals a 1% chance to critical strike with spells). This attribute is very important for casting classes (Mages, Warlocks, Priests, Druids, Shamans), and is also used by Paladins and Hunters, although it is not of the highest priority.

Stamina increases the amount of hit points a character has by 10 per point of stamina. Stamina is important for all classes but especially important for Warriors, Warlocks, Shamans, and Paladins.

Spirit increases the rate at which you recover (regenerate) health and mana. A point of spirit increases the amount of mana regenerated by 1/5 and health by 1/9 per tick (every 2 seconds). Spirit does not regenerate health while in combat, only mana.

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