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The Walk Of Prague(Prague Gangan)

One November morning, a few exchange students had decided to get together and meet in Prague. It was a quite a cold day, and all the exchange students were dying out of excitement. They had been waiting to see each other for months, ever since they left that orientation camp, few months earlier.

So they all stood there, on the old town square, in the blistering storm and waited, waited to see someone they knew. Tears, love and joy burst out as the exchange students spotted each other and got together and hugged and kissed and did all that stuff that people do when they see someone that they know and have not seen for a very long time.

There were so many things that they wanted to do and so many things that they wanted to talk about, if only they had had time to do it all…But they didn’t, they only had one day and they had to use it well. Really well indeed.

Some wanted to see the Carl’s Bridge, others wanted to go to the Jewish museum and yet another group of people just wanted to go to pubs, get drunk and gossip about their families and their lives in the Czech Republic.

But what they did and where they went is really not that important, since this is in fact, not their story. This is on the contrary a whole different story. A story of two men, completely unknown to the exchange students that just happened to be at the same place at the same time as some of the exchange students were, that November morning.

Surely, it could be interesting to visit the Jewish museum, in its own Jewish, museum kind of way. But he wasn’t really interested in that. He had been travelling back and forth the Czech Republic for two weeks now, visiting various castles and museums and has just about had enough of that. He just wanted to have a quiet, nice day, walking between some pubs in Prague. Just a little relaxation before he went back to the stress and madness in Copenhagen, Denmark.

“Just a little brake from all the tourist attractions, a little brake from all the castles, a nice and quiet day, drinking beer before I go home tomorrow” -He said to himself as he walked into the first pub.

“Jednu dvanacku prosim” -Was something he had picked up during his short stay in the Czech Republic. The only thing he really knew in Czech and the only thing he really needed, to tell the truth. And it was exactly that thing, that sentence, he said to the bartender as he sat down at the first pub (which by coincidence happened to be the very same pub that some of the exchange students had chosen to start their drinking session that day).

“Cheers to the Czech Republic” –He thought to himself as he lifted his pint, “To the Czech Republic…”. He drank the pint to the bottom and burped, he had a long, long day ahead of him.

Surprisingly enough, there was another man, from another country, at that exact moment, at the very same pub, doing the very same thing, saying good bye to the Czech Republic by getting drunk for the vary last time. “To the Czech Republic…” –He thought, as he slammed his pint on the bar table.

“Hi, I’m Stanley!” – An odd looking fellow sitting next to him at the pub said.
“Hi, I’m Henrik”.
“Where’ya from? I’m from Canada!”
“Yes, Denmark”
“That’s interesting, if always wanted to go to Denmark”.
“Don’t go there”
“Very expansive and bad tasting beer and then what’s even worse ugly looking women with hairy armpits. Need I say more?”
“That bad eyh?”
“Here, have a pint on me mate, that’ll cheer you up”
“My pleasure”.

And so it happened, that Stanley the odd looking Canadian and Henrik, the Danish guy that really looked like someone who was from Russia and who’s name was Boris, met each other one cold day at a pub in Prague.

“Ready for another shot already?” – Henrik said to Stanley about 6 hours later. They were now at their 5th pub and they had already tried all the shots that they could possibly get in this city at the other pubs. The only thing they had left was to mix them somehow together. It was time for some experiments.

“How about, vodka and bailey’s?” – Stanley replied.
“Sounds good to me”
“Okay, this time I’m buying”.
“Great, thanks!”
“Don’t mention it”.

And so the day went by, as they walked from pub to pub and drank all kinds of shots and beers. The experiments, that had started with something as simple and innocent like bailey’s with vodka soon got a bit crazy and adventurous, giving the shots and cocktails a very funny taste and even more bizarre colours.

As result of that Stanley and Henrik were now on their asses and completely lost in the city of Prague. This day had had everything that a good drinking session really needs. It had some puking, tripping over, fighting and Stanley had even met this really nice girl at pub number three or four and they had had a lovely time together at that pub’s bathroom for a couple of minutes. And surprisingly Stanley didn’t even have to pay for this. So it was a great day that these new best friends shared in this big city they both happened to be tourists in. A great day indeed.

But, all great things come to end so eventually it had to get to the point where the pubs would not sell Stanley and Henrik, more alcohol. And when it finally came to that Stanley and Henrik didn’t really care, they then had very little money left anyways and were so drunk and completely out of the world that the thought of eating at McDonald’s seemed like a pretty neat idea.
But that state of mind is by some experts described as: “A seriously fucked up situation”. For those of you who don’t understand that kind of doctors language it basically means that the two of them, Stanley and Henrik, had killed so many brain sells that day that they now had even fewer brain sells left in their brains than George Bush himself.

But thanks to some amazing power that Emork, the half-witted half Dutch and half Austrian guy, that for some reason had been following them for the past few pubs and Stanley and Henrik had no idea where came from, they did not eat at McDonald’s. Instead they ate at Kentucky Fried Chicken, or the restaurant formerly known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, which now is known as KFC because the food that they sell in the American KFC restaurants can not qualify as chicken any more, due to the dramatic genetic changes that have been made on the chickens sold there.

Maybe it was not the best choice that they could make at that moment and at that time, but certainly KFC is better than McDonald’s. That is quite obvious.

After Emork was gone and they had finished their food they had completely forgotten the instructions that Emork had given them about how Stanley could get to the “Narodly divadlo” and how Henrik could get to the “starý mesne” where his hotel was. So now they were, completely on their own. They could of course, try to ask one of the people passing by and hope that that person, the one they would ask, would understand English and actually give them the right information. But they, being one of the many paranoid tourists in Prague, did not find that very likely.

But since they didn’t really have anything else to go for, that was what they did. After a few minutes of walk in the direction that they thought that Emork had told them to go to they saw a police officer, certainly the most trustworthy person that they could possibly see on the streets of Prague at that time of the day.
The officer spoke quite good English and could give them some really nice information about how to get to the “Narodily Divadlo”. They had decided to go there first, because then Stanley could just rememorize where it was and then get to the whole helping Henrik to find his hotel part.

But Adam did not stay long in paradise and after only a couple of minutes Stanley realized to his surprise that his wallet was gone. His wallet with all of his id’s and his only tram ticket. Surely, they were now doomed.

But who could have took it and when? Was it the police officer or was it Emork? Or was it maybe someone else, someone completely unknown? Whom could they trust?

They two of them decided that they should go back to KFC and see if the wallet was there. After that they could decided whether they should trust Emork or the police.

On their way back to the KFC they noticed that the police officer that had given them the directions was gone. Had he really taken it? Was the Prague police really so corrupted? They were now sure, the police had taken it.

So after going to KFC they decided that they should just follow their instinct and try to remember Emork’s directions. They were pretty sure that he had just told them to walk for about 10 minutes straight in to one direction. That could not be so hard.

And about 20 minutes later the two travellers were even more lost than before. Could it be that them and Emork were wrong? Could it be that the police in Prague could really be trusted? They decided to ask some old lady passing by for directions. The old lady confirmed what the police had said. The police had in fact, given them the right information.

So they followed the instructions and finally found the damn place, just to realise that they still had to get Stanley a new ticket for the tram, and to do that Henrik needed to find a ATM so he could lend(or give) Stanley some money for the ticket.

From street to street the two of them went, looking for some place that sold tickets to the tram. But of course, none could be found. The great tram system of Prague had it all planed. Trams that go until 11’o clock at night but all the places that sell tickets to the trams close long before that. Just great.

But just by luck the two of them finally found a place that was open, or a just about to close, where they could buy a ticket (which turned out to be the last ticket in the shop) for the tram. That is after they had spent quite a long time looking for an ATM. But for a moment Stanley and Henrik had thought that maybe Prague was the only capital city in the world with no ATM’s or so it looked like, for a moment.

Anyhow, they found an ATM and got the damn ticket for the tram so now they only needed to find the “Narodily divadlo” again and after that they could get to the finding Henrik’s hotel mission.

Some might call it luck but some might call it stupidity, but it turned out that Henrik and Stanley had been walking back and forth the same street the whole time. So they found the “Narodily Divadlo” quite easily and then stopped an old lady whom could direct them to Henrik’s hotel.

The trip to the hotel was quite short and quite easy, they made it there in just few minutes from the “Narodily Divadlo”.

It had been a great day in a great city. Stanley thought, and he didn’t care about his wallet any more, because he had had a great drinking session with a great guy, and it didn’t matter that the guy was actually Danish because he knew that he had a friend for life.

As for Henrik, the Danish guy, he was so happy that their troubles were finally over that he decided to buy his new friend a beer at the pub outside his hotel (which happened to be the same pub that they had been to that morning. The first one they went to, the one were the exchange students had been that morning, and still were). “Just one beer to say good bye” –He thought, “Just one more to say good bye”.

“To Prague and a safe journey home” –He said as he lift his glass.
“To Prague and a safe journey home” – Stanley repeated.

And as for the AFS students…well, that is a different story.