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Áhugamál: Hip hop

Hvað er þetta með commercial rappara og bíómyndir? (17 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Hvað er þetta með commercial rappara og bíómyndir? “Why do everybody think they gotta do a movie?” (Questions/K-Otix) ——————————————————————- “After being cast in The Crow: Lazarus, rapper DMX has lined up yet another film role. DMX is slated to star in a remake of the 1931 German crime thriller, M. The film will re-team DMX with Warner Bros. and producer Joel Silver, with whom the rapper collaborated with on Exit Wounds and Romeo Must Die. M, which will likely begin shooting this fall, is...

Sage Francis (Non-Prophets) viðtal! (1 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
I had agreed to meet Sage Francis at Dunkin’ Donuts on Thayer Street in the College Hill section of Providence. Since I was a little early, I decided to chill out front. Given that it is close to several of the cities colleges and being lined with sidewalk cafes, coffeehouses, and record shops, Thayer Street stays packed with people and auto traffic. Providence is one of those old cities that began expanding before the invention of the car. Streets crisscross and wind as they climb the hills...

Promoe (Loop Troop) viðtal! (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Oliver: The new Loop Troop album is being released by an independent punk rock label, Burning Heart Records. How come you ended up on them? Promoe: We had some other labels contacting us. But their offerings were no good for us since they wanted like option deals and stuff. So we ended up on Burning Heart. I think they stepped to us because they heard of us, liked our stuff and we said, ‘Okay, let’s try it, see how it works.’ I don’t even know if it’s good, you know? We have to see. So far...

Release Dates! (6 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
06/12/2001: Bumpy Knuckels - The Lah - Koch - Single DJ Jo-S - Afterburner / Separation - Rawkuts - Single Knights of Bass - Reborn - Bomb Hip Hop - Album Lord Tariq - Scriptures - KOCH - Album Ras Kass - Van Gogh - Universal - Album 06/18/2001: Def Tex - Serene Bug - Son Records - Single 06/19/2001: D-12 - Devil's Night - Shady Records - Album Kool Keith - Stank MC's / Thug or What? / Back from the Pad - Eastern Conference - Single Mystic - Cuts For Luck And Scars For Freedom -...

Mr. Lif viðtal 3/3/01 (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Sat, Mar 3, 2001 05:28 Elements: Who is Mr Lif? Mr Lif: I'm an independent artist. My first two songs were on the Rebel Alliance Compilation released on Brick Records titled “Madness In A Cup” and “This Won.” And, in 1998 I released another 12“ called ”Electro,“ and the b-side was titled ”The Nothing.“ In 1999 I did the ”Triangular Warfare“ single which also featured a song called ”Arise“ produced by El-P of Company Flow. I hooked up with Grand Royal to release another 12” later on in 1999....

Evidence (Dilated Peoples) viðtal 3/3/01 (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Sat, Mar 3, 2001 01:35 He is the poster boy for hip-hop’s contemporary golden age, true studio renaissance man, and one half of the critically acclaimed L.A. based super group, Dilated Peoples. Read on to discover what Supreme Court Justices have known since the dawn of the judiciary branch: Anything is possible as long as you have strong backing Evidence. ANO: What can you tell us about the LP and when is it coming out? EV: The LP is called “The Platform” with 17 cuts, including the intro....

Heimskuleg skoðanakönnun! (9 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Hvað er málið? Spurt er hver er bjartasta vonin og það koma bara 4 grúppur til greina. Hvað með Twizted Mindz, Poetic Reflections, Kritikal Mazz o.s.frv. Hver myndi segja að Sveittir Gangaverðir væru bjartasta vonin? Hver veit hverjir Sveittir Ganga verðir eru & hvað er S og S? Það er ekki hægt að vera bjartasta vonin fyrr en maður hefur gert eitthvað til að sanna sig. Það hefði alveg eins verið hægt að setja inn könnun og spyrja hver væri besti MC í heimi og gefa kjósendum bara kost um að...

Bréf frá Kim Mathers! (3 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Ekki spyrja mig af hverju ég sendi svona kjaftæði inn, enjoy. “June 7, 2000 To whom it may concern, First and foremost, I would like to start off by saying that just because my husband is an entertainer, that does not mean that our personal business is for everyone's entertainment purposes, but since the press seems to think that it is, then they should get their story straight. My husband came up to Hot Rocks to check up on me, why is still unknown to me because if I was to cheat on him it...

Nýlegt viðtal við Freestyle (23-05-2001). (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Nýlegt viðtal við Freestyle (23-05-2001). “Finally I managed to get the interview with Freestyle after eons of internet f*ckery…but it was worth the wait! Sit back and enjoy the words of a true hiphop legend. Q. The Arsonists' split…how did that come about? Freestyle: I'm tired of this question. I get it too much. There was a lot of problems in the group and they couldn't handle it, so they took care of it by asking me to leave the group for no apparent reason. If you're a family for 7...

K-Otix viðtal! (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 8 mánuðum
Rakst bara á þetta og datt í hug að setja þetta inn vegna þess að K-Otix eru góðkunningjar Lone Cats. “The Texas based group K-Otix have been making serious noise on underground hip hop radio nationally for a few years. Their newest project in the works is a full length lp. The Are (Russel the producer) and emcees Mic and Damien have a sound that sets a standard for quality pure independent hip hop. K-Otix come with beats that can hold their own with the likes of Primo and Pete Rock, their...

Mr. Lif - Enters The Colossus 9/10 (10 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 9 mánuðum
1. Datablend 2. Cro-Magnon (f/ Illin´ P) 3. Pulse Cannon (f/ Insight, Mr. Lif & T-Ruckus as The Knights Of The Round Table) 4. Enters The Colossus 5. Avengers (f/ Akrobatik & Mr. Lif as The Perceptionists) 6. Front On This 7. Arise Mr. Lif - Enters The Colossus er án efa ein besta EP sem ég hef heyrt. Platan er gefin út hjá Def Jux sem er label í eigu Company Flow. Allir sem hafa hlustað á “Little Johnny From The Hozpitul” með Co Flow ættu að kannast við taktinn í “Arise” því hann er einmitt...

Orð frá Freestyle. (4 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 9 mánuðum
Veit ekki hvort þið voruð búin að sjá þetta, ég var á síðunni hjá Freestyle og hann hafði þetta að segja um Ísland: “I think it's official to say that Iceland is hot. Had too much fun out there. The people were great & the love was DEFINITELY there. Won't be too long before you find me out there again… Good lookin' out on the paintballin' too, even tho we kicked your asses! Make sure you get some target practice done before we're there again. So the tour has officially begun. Paris and...

Phil The Agony (4 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 9 mánuðum
Jú það er einn gaur.

Felix Trinidad rotar William Joppy í 5. lotu! (1 álit)

í Box fyrir 23 árum, 9 mánuðum
Þetta var rosalegur bardagi. Tito sló Joppy niður í 1. lotu, aftur í 4. lotu og svo endanlega í 5. lotu. Joppy var búinn að segja að Tito hefði hingað til bara verið að slást við smábörn, ég verð að segja að Oscar De La Hoya er nú ekkert smábarn og ég er ánægður með hvernig Tito svaraði honum. Tito er enn og aftur búinn að sanna að hann er einn besti boxari heims. Nýja skorið hjá Tito er : 40 - 0 - 33

Lífið (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum, 9 mánuðum
Lífið er eins og málingar fata Það hellist úr henni óvart og þá deyrðu. Takk fyrir mér líður miklu betur núna eftir að hafa létt af hjarta mínu!

Freestyle & Shabazz í stúdíó á Íslandi. (15 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 23 árum, 10 mánuðum
Fáir vita að þegar Shabazz The Disciple & Freestyle voru hér tóku þeir upp 3 lög. 1. Eitt lag með Kashal Tee & Black Fist. 2. Eitt lag yfir takt eftir Magze úr Souls Of Orpheus. 3. Eitt lag með Kritikal Mazz, sem heitir Half Man - Half Mic & rappar Ciphah úr Kritikal Mazz með þeim þar.
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..