það sem er nýtt í Day of Defeat 1.3 er (sorry nennti ekki að þýða þetta )

New incoming mortar shriek(amplified it 200%)

New ricochets, we've had rave reviews at sites about these. “….immersing.”

New reload sounds for autos (used authentic recorded sounds from my weapons)

New reload sounds for remaining weapons (taken from real weapons)

New Thompson sound(this a LAST minute addition, EVERYONE who tested pleaded with me to include this, and I do mean everyone, so it went in, if I was gonna replace the current Thompson which is such a great sound, I wanted everyone to want this in, and they did.)

New Spring sound(shortened version of current)
New G43 sound(very slight metallic difference)
New K98 sound(now it's Ka-Pow!, instead of Pow!)
New Garand sound (the one voted on in the forums)
New BAR sound(heavier metallic thud, dun dun dun dun type thing, more menacing sounding like real thing)

The 5 above were unanimously voted in as better than current.

New ambience (just spliced more rifle shots and machine gun fire into the current ambience, it's sweet now ). This ambience with the louder incoming mortars makes Caen a totally different experience, as well as Omaha and any other map that uses these.

New Thompson model with new anims and hands
New k98 model, with bayonet/sling, anims and new hands
New BAR model with sling, new anims and hands
New Axis Knife model and hands, anims
New Axis Grenade model and hands, anims

New explosion sprite

hægt að nálgast þetta á http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com

see yaaa online