1. Lifting lighter weights will make your muscles more defined and toned. FALSE!
2. A lot of cardio is the most efficient way to lose body fat. FALSE!
3. A woman will get muscles as big as guy if she lifts heavier weight. FALSE!
4. Calories are the only thing that counts when trying to lose body fat or gain lean muscle. FALSE!
5. Muscle weighs more than fat. FALSE!
6. There is one perfect workout routine. FALSE!
7. The best way to lose fat is to eat very few calories. FALSE!
8. The best way to reduce the hips, glutes or abs is to perform exercise to isolate the area. FALSE!
9. The best way to lose fat is to eat a lot of calories. FALSE!
10. The infomercial that has that cool-looking, easy-to-use abdominal machine will help me to get a flat stomach. FALSE!

Meira hérna.
Helgi Pálsson