Tónlistarstefnan Trance er oft á milli tannanna á fólki og ekki að ástæðulausu, en af hverju hata sumir Trance. Ég rakst á skemmtilegar staðreyndir á erlendri síðu um þetta mál. Hér eru þær skref fyrir skref.
(þar sem 99% yngri kynslóðarinnar talar reiprennandi ensku er ég ekkert að hafa fyrir því að þýða þetta)

° Trance is elusively the easiest to make. So everyone is making it.

° You have people who make EuroCheese but call it Trance. They give bad names to Trance when they are not Trance.

° EuroCheese is bubblegum so they enter music charts very easily. They become annoying because they aren't good music and they get too much airplayed.

° People who weren't into Trance in the first place grew angry as they get annoyed by EuroCheese. They do not and cannot distinguish between Cheese and Trance. So they swear to hate Trance due to their confusion.

° Trance requires people to take time and let go to build the “trancy” feeling. Nowadays, who has time anymore? Trance and Eurocheese tend to sound alike in the intros. People who do not know Trance never get to learn to distinguish between the two. They never learn how to properly listen to Trance. As EuroCheese occupies the chart, these people grew even more angry at Trance.

° If Trance is dead, the ones to blame are Eurocheese supporters and those who never take time to have time to distinguish between real Trance and EuroCheese.

Mér finnst nokkuð mikið til í þessu .. hvað hefur maður ekki oft heyrt einhvern reyna halda fram að artistar eins og td Lasgo, DJ Sammy, 4 Clubbers og kannski þá þekktustu sem hægt er að flokka undir EuroCheese, kallana með hvíta púðrið á nebbanum .. jú Scooter vera Trance. Þessi tónlist sem spiluð er á sólbaðsstofunni FM957 er að eyðileggja nafn raftónlistar að mínu mati. Hver er ykkar skoðun?