Hello , i have a problem okei il go straight to it , i used to play wow in 2006-08 than i took a break and i just started like 10 days ago and i just used the trial (just to save some money than il start paying after that) okei the trial was exp… and i lika okei and logged on to my battle.net acc and went to world of warcraft and clicked “change payment method” then this message came ;
Challenged payment
Greetings! The ability to add a payment has been turned off on this account. This could be due to a payment issue that is being investigated or to a permanent closure of this account (check your account status). If you believe that this could be related to a payment issue, could you please contact our Billing Support team via www.wow-europe.com/en/support/with the following information:
How many account are you paying for with this card?
Have you tried to enter your payment method with just one card?
Is your bank based in a country other than the one in which you are residing?

and i also tryed “add a gamecard” same thing came up and i was like there must be some other button to press to pay with credit card and then i found in the “lobby” before you enter merged world of warcraf account management a my payment options button and i put all my credit car information there and it worked and came “this is currently your payment method” BUT i still cant play what can i do any suggestions are well taken

Sæælir , ég nennti ekki að skrifa þetta upp aftur á íslensku svo ég lét þetta bara hér á ensku , ég var að pæla hvort þið vissuð e-h hvað ég ætti að gera annars :….. er annað vandamál ég myndi bara hringja en það er ekki hægt að hringja frá íslandi i blizzard (eða er það nokkuð) … því weborm hefur ekkert virkað sendu mer bara könnun hvernig starfsmaðurinn stóð sig eftir svona 3 daga og svo 2 vikum seinna ekkert fengið neitt response fáranlegt … hvað ætti ég að gera?