* Immolatte – You douse the target in a delicious caffeinated beverage, dealing 1100 coffee damage and an additional 4000 hyperactive damage over the next 15 seconds.
* Buckstab- take one dollar.
* Flesh of Light – Creates a masturbatory aide for your party.
* Girth Shock – Your pants burst open revealing your true oversized belly causing a knockback for 10yrds and causing fear up to 10 players.
* Incest Swarm – worse than locusts in every way
* Detect Invincibility – Let’s you know when a paladin is nearby
* Force of Nomenclature – Summons 3 Linguists to verbally insult the enemy targets for 30 seconds
* Curse of Apathy – The target suddenly realizes he really doesn’t care, he’s just here for the loot.
* Missdirect – Causes the nearest female character to be the focus of target male for 6 seconds.
* Fore Sight – Allows the caster to be able to see that standing in fire will not result in a DPS gain.
* Scents Undead – Causes all nearby undead targets to smell of lilacs and roses.
* Ice Bloke – Summons a very cold Australian.
* Blank – Has no effect. Shares a cooldown with similar spells, such as Blink.
* Chin Lightning – No explanation needed, just OP as fuck
* Hymn of Rope – Eight hundred years of fine woven rope in eight seconds. Nobody knows why.
* Shadowfriend – Because everyone should have a friend.
* Hymn of Soap – Channeled, covers your entire raid in shiny happy bubbles and cleans their armor.
* Curse of Broom – Forces your target to sweep the floor singing “Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match” for 60 seconds.
* Slice and Splice – You reconfigure your targets DNA to be a kitten.
* Hunter’s Mork – Does nanu nanu over nanu nanu.
* Commanding Pout – Causes all nearby Warriors to QQ to GC for warrior buffs.

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