Yup, þið lásuð rétt. Blizzard var að gefa út patch 1.09 fyrir <a href="http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/starcraft/patches/SC-109.exe“>StarCraft</a> og <a href=”http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/starcraft/patches/BW-109.exe">StarCraft: Brood War</a>. Hvor patchinn um sig er um 2.7MB.

What's fixed in Patch 1.09 (Includes previous fixes)

* Fixed various replay issues.
* Fixed a bug where Protoss and Terran victory and defeat background screens did not display.
* Siege tanks no longer explode when placed on a beacon.
* Added LAN play via UDP.
* Fixed latency issue with Windows 2000.
* Added template type, CompUSA. http://gamefixx.compusa.com/tournament/default.asp<br><br>Villi