hey WotLK Beta er ekkert byrjað er það? var að fá email frá noreplyeu@blizzard.com og það er linkur og allt til að dla en ég er samt svolidid hræddur um að þetta gætu verið scammers því að það er búið að vera mikid af því yfir tíðina =/ what ya guys think?

“Welcome to the beta test of
World of Warcraft: The Wrath of The Lich King!

We´re excited to have reached the beta-testing stage for the second expansion, and we´d be grateful to have your assistance in finalizing the content. There are a lot of new things to see and do in Azeroth, Outland and new continent Notrhend, and we look forward to receiving any feedback you can offer. Read on to learn how to participate and thank you in advance for your support in helping us put the finishing touches on the expansion.
Getting started:

You will need to upgrade an existing retail World of Warcraft account to connect to the Wrath of the Lich King beta realms. To prevent hackers and scammers from trying to trick players we changed our account upgrade system. Now you dont need to go to special website but just download an installer and type a your account details before a installation. Please note that you cant start downloading files before you dont insert valid key. . Upgrading to an expansion beta account does not affect your ability to continue playing on the retail realms. To participate in the beta test immediately, the retail World of Warcraft account that you´d like to use for beta testing must be active as of 22th November, 2007.


After you have created an expansion beta account, we invite you to copy characters to our expansion realms. You will be able to copy over up to 4 level 65+ characters to travel through the Great Sea. Please note that upgrading to an expansion beta account or copying your characters will not affect your ability to continue playing on the retail realms. Go to the following URL to copy up to 4 characters to the beta test realms: https://beta.wow-europe.com/expansion2/ (Currently Closed)
More Information:

For more information about the beta take a look at our dedicated forums:
http://beta.worldofwarcraft.com/index.html?sid=3 (Currently Closed)“

frekar grunnsamlegt að allir linkarnir eru ”closed atm" heh?

Bætt við 9. desember 2007 - 16:06
það sjást engar myndir eða neitt og svo virkar linkurinn ekki …

svo kikti ég á e-mail sem ég hef fengid frá blizz áður og það var noreply@blizzard.com en ekki noreplyEU@blizzard.com