Hey. i w4nt t0 play t3h heaaler!?? So blizzard gave him heals

But i w4nne tank t00? So blizzard gave him mail armor

and i wanna nuk3 liek teh meges. And blizzard gave him instant cast shocks.

Now the shaman thought he was ready for some serious fighting, but when he saw what other classes were capable of he returned to blizzard with new ideas.

ok, i wanna kite liek t3h omg!!11!1. So blizzard made his frost shock effect last longer than the cooldown.

but mie heals are n0t t3h instants??? So blizzard gave him nature's swiftness.

t3h other classez hav s0 powrufl buffz0rz, i want buffz t00? And blizzard gave him totems and windfury

but i d0nt wanneh run liek all over t3h w0rld??? so blizzard gave him ancestral recall.

Now the shaman went on a ganking spree all over hillsbrad. but after killing numerous alliance characters, a band of 10 alliance guys managed to kill the shaman. The shaman hurried back to blizzard.

tis n0 fair, t3h alliencn killed me and n0w i hev to liek run all t3h way t0 the corpse????1!111'1 fix, plxz!!
And blizzard gave him self resurrection.

So the shaman class was born.

(btw ef einhver er að spá þá finnst mér shaman drasl class og engin ástæða til að veikja hann frekar. þetta er úrdráttur úr einhverri langloku sem ég fann á netinu í vor og man ekki hvar hún er)