Mig vantar hjálp við að setja upp Diablo 2 patch'ið það kemur alltaf þessi error “An error has occurred preparing the patch. This problem can commoly corrected by reinstalling the game and try to update again. If this error repeats then contact Blizzard Technical Support.” og í næstu línu “Please press ”OK“ to exit or press ”Show Details“ to see more informatoin about the error.” svo stendur í “Show Details” “Blizzard PrePatch v2.23 compiled on Mar 17 2000
This program patches Diablo retail version

Log created at 3:57 pm on 05/27/2001

Registry error loading key ‘Archives\DiabloInstall’
The system cannot find the file specified.

RESULT: Prepatch failed”

Getur eitthver hjálpað mér? Ég er búinn að reinstalla.