ég hef verið að skrifa svona Diablo sögur og etta er ein af þeim.

I wandered through the land´s of the rouges, the lands where full of monsters from the spawned hell. Many dead or dieing I count help them. When I got to the rouges burial grounds I found that dead rouge named Blood raven was raising the dead, i killed her with zombies ripping every part of me to pieces. When I struck Blood raven with my sword all the zombies dropped dead, I got to the barrack in The Monystery I fougth a armoror named The Smith. I traveled to the catacombs and found Andariel, she was weary weak against me when I called upon a firestorm through my hands, when I returned to town the people celibrated, but I cound stop. The wanderer was still heading to Baal and Mephisto.