Tekið úr janúar blaðinu af computer gaming world eða eitthvað svoleiðis. Þetta eru official upplysingar frá Blizzard!!!!!

Arch-Druid: basic melee attack with spells - Sleep, Spore (poison) Cloud
Keeper of the grove: Centaur like guy the spells Barkskin (increased defense), Strangle Vines (poisons thorns come out of ground, and poison enemies that pass nearby)
Demonslayer: uses a bow spells- Soul Siphon (takes enemies mana and heals self), Mind Lock (target cant use spells for a while)
Priestess of the Moon: use bows, ride giant owls spells- Searing Light (basic magic attack, but does double damage to undead), Twilight (it becomes night)
Assassain: A stealthy fighter with the spells Slow Poison (shoots a poison dart that keeps hurting a unit until it dies or a healing spell is used on it) and Blink (short range teleport)

Ent-builder: a tree folk, morphs into a building like a Zerg drone, but can change back at any time Archer-basic unit, becomes invisible when still at night
Sentinel: advanced melee unit w/ owl familiar, the owl is only for scouting
Druid of the Talon: can turn into a raven and can fly, will heal but cant attack. Spell- cyclone
Dryad: throws poison tipped spears
Druid of the Claw: Changes into bear for strong attack and healing.
Spell include roar( all friendlys in area become invulnerable for 2 secs)
Treant: big walking tree