Þetta eru tvö pötch. Þau eru ekki supportuð af Blizzard Entertainment en eru algjör snilld.

Þau breyta ekkert sambandi við gameplay eða þannig bara battle.net útlitinu og þægindum :)

sjá http://www.valhallalegends.com/

Ok fyrsta patchið breytir því þannig að þú getir valið mun nákvæmar um hvaða gateway þú ferð inná (SNILLD)

Hitt er með mörgum breytingum (sjá fyrir neðan)

Features :

Timestamps and color coding for the Starcraft interface.
Automatically join a channel of user's choice when logging on to Battle.net.
Automatically rejoin channel when kicked, and join home channel when banned.
Chat logging to any file.
Memory leak when Starcraft runs the Battle.net verification system fixed.
Bug where UDP thread terminated on destination port unreachable under Windows 2000 fixed.
IP-ban for other users using spoofed names in-game fixed.
Flood protection.
After performing a whois on a Starcraft or Brood War user in a public game, the name of the public game is automatically placed in the “game name” field when you press the Join button.
Uptime indicators for the plugin, Battle.net server, and local computer.
Extended information displayed about users in-channel on another product.
Decensoring for text said outloud or emoted in public channels, and decensoring for broadcasts and profiles (when using /profile).

Einsog sjá má er þetta ekkert annað en snilld. LOKSINS ÞÁ MEINA ÉG LOKSINS er Windows2000 buggið FARIÐ.


Farið bara og dl þessu og HAVE FUN

Kveðja DeadlyShadow