Ótrúlegt magn af nýju info-i þessa dagana svo ætli maður bæti ekki smá við…

Fyrir grafíkina þá er búið að bæta loksins resolution-ið en í War3 getur það verið allt upp í 1024x768. Og smá dæmi um detail hjá Blizzard t.d. tré titra þegar peon höggva í þau, ( siege unit geta líka rutt skóg), síðan þegar hetjur deyja þá sér maður sálirnar þjóta upp í loftið og þegar units deyja þá detta þær ekki bara niður eins og war2 heldur deyja þær “dramatískt” þ.e. þær taka nokkrur skref aftur á bak og detta svo niður en það er bara eitt af þessum dramatísku dauðahreyfingum.

Og með day/night cycle þá er það þannig núna í war3 að dagur er í 5 mín. og nóttin er í 5 mín. en það á ábyggilega eftir að breytast….vonandi

Það er búið að taka af fog of war í multiplayer svo að það verði ekki of intimidating að prófa ný möpp en foggið er á default í hinu

Síðan sagði Rob Pardo ( Blizzard) um hvernig Night Elves eru ( hef það á ensku) :
“ Sentinel
The Sentinel is one of the Night Elves' elite warriors. She can shadow meld like the other warriors, has a ranged attack, and has an owl companion that you can use to scout the surrounding terrain. According to Pardo, the owl will likely work in a similar way that the Eye of Kilrogg worked for Ogre-Mages in WarCraft II - a controllable entity that you can fly about the land for a set period of time.

The Assassin is another one of the Night Elves' female units, schooled in the more treacherous arts of combat. One of her abilities is a throwing stars attack. And will have a role similar to the Dark Templar in StarCraft.

Druid of the Claw and Druid of the Talon
These two male Night Elves have the ability to change shape. The Druid of the Claw can turn into a bear with a vicious melee attack - one of the few melee attackers for the Night Elves. Pardo mentioned that it should be common to see Druid-Bears leading the charge into battle while the other units bring up the rear, supporting with their spells and ranged attacks. The Druid of the Talon can shape shift into a Raven, allowing it to fly around and scout the map, while regenerating hit points.

As one of the hero Night Elves, the Arch Druid's ultimate spell is ”Force of Nature," which will transform it into a huge and powerful beast. The Undead also have a summonable super-beast (more on that later) which leads one to wonder if the Orcs and Humans will have their own.

Keeper of the Grove
With its centaur-like body (except it's half deer, not half-horse), the Keeper of the Grove is arguably the most interesting Night Elf hero. One of its featured spells is Nature's Touch. This spell allows the Keeper to either knock down trees instantly or regrow trees that have been chopped by peasants into stumps (the spell is context sensitive). Nature's Touch brings up a number of interesting strategies. Players might chop into an enemy base, attack, and then retreat back through the hole, with the Keeper sealing the way behind them. Or (assuming you've leveled up the Keeper and the spell to a high enough level) it may be possible for the Keeper to instantly create a hole in a treeline for a Night Elf invasion force to pour in through. Perhaps you could even imprison enemy peasants that have chopped deeply into a tree line by simply regrowing previously chopped trees behind them

Demon Hunter
The Demon Hunter is one of the Night Elves' most fearsome heroes. He carries around a weapon that at first appeared to be much like a Klingon Bat'leth. His weapon is a long sword that splits into two other smaller blades. Flame blades is a fireball-like spell that does direct damage to a unitAlthough his name and design suggests that he's only good for taking out Demons, the Demon Hunter utilizes demon-like magic and is good against all types of units. His abilities include Soul Siphon, which drains mana from an enemy and turns it into health for himself, and Flame Blades which can hit opponents for big damage. Additionally, the Demon Hunter can transform himself into a giant Demon for superior close-in fighting.

The Night Elves have unique buildings that double as moveable units. When rooted into the ground, the Treants have their building functionality. However it is possible to uproot a Treant, which not only makes the Night Elf bases mobile (more so than Starcraft Terrans), but deadly as well. Uprooted Treants can attack for decent amounts of damage. Just imagine a huge oak tree uprooting itself and taking a swing at you, and you can see why attacking armies better bring extra invaders to the party if they want to take over a Night Elf town.

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Kv. Mandulis