Allir þeir sem spila diablo2 á vita það best af öllum að það er óhugsandi að “hakka” charecterana sína meðan þú ert tengur við, en fyrir nokkrum kom það í ljós að svo er ekki :)
hópur af tölvurefum (crackers) fundu galla í sem gerði þeim kleift að logga sig inn sem hver sem er.
Hafa þeir verið að stela hlutum af bestu spilurunum og það sem verra er, loggað sig inn sem bestu hardcore spilararnir og verið að láta þá deyja
hardcore = they stay dead!

Several of the top HC ladder chars on USEast have mysteriously died today, some even when their players were not even logged in. I personally witnessed two of them first have their names go lower case on the ladder and then go dark. Only 3 of the top 10 remain alive, from what the people in the hardcore channel tell me, 4 of those with lower case names, including the top 2 characters, were all mysteriously killed off tonight.

beginning last night one of the hackers began systematically murdering the top hardcore ladder players, by logging in as them and getting them killed (death is PERMANENT for them). As of yet there has been no official reaction from Blizzard, but the entire community is in a state of shock over this situation.

Blizzard eru núna búnir að lagfæra vandann
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