Allir kannast við pirringinn í köllunum þegar maður klikkar oft á þá,en færri hafa nennt að skrifa þetta niður.Þar sem ég er brjálaður er ég búinn að skrásetja gullkornin hjá racinu Terran.Það var ekki auðvelt að heyra hvað þeir voru að segja og hjá sumum heyrði ég ekki neitt.

Jim Raynor
Hey quit it
What´s your problem man
Look commander,do you mind.
I knew I should have stayed in bed this morning.

Sarah Kerrigan
Easely amuzed,hah
Does´nt take a telepath to know what you´re thinking.
You get off by annoying people dont you.
You may have time to play games
but I´ve got a job to do.

General Edmund Duke
I´ve been a genereal for 50 years.
Ya all need some good old fashion dicipline.
That´s what you need.
Damn,I´m taking all this from a ????
?This core hole outfits a mess.?

Samir Duran
Is there a problem?
Ha HA HA ,I like your style friend.
But I think you´r getting a little bit too familiar.
I dont believe we´ve met.
I am Duran,who are you.
I told you my name,It´s Duran,DURAN.
What´s so funny ?
Please Please,tell me now.
Is there something I should know.?

Ground Units
Terran Marine
We got to move.
Are you ganna give me orders.
Oh my God,he´s wacked.
How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit.
You wanna piece of me boy ?
If it weren´t for these neural implants,you would be a smokin´ critter by now.

Terran SCV
Come again captain
I´m not reading you clearly.
You aint from around here are you ?
I can´t believe they put me in one of those things.
And now I´ve got to put up with this too.
I told them I was (með innilokunarkennd)I´ve got to get out of here.

Terran firebat.
Is something burning?
Scjjs,that´s what I thought.
I love the smell of napalm (apocalypese Now)
Nothing like a good smoke.
Are you trying to get invited to my next barbeque.
Got any questions about propane.
or propane accerocize.

Terran Ghost
you call down the thunder
though will reap the whirlwind.
Keep it up,I dare ya.

Terran Medic
I´ve already checked you out commander.
You want another physical.?
Turn your head and cough.
Ready for your spunge bath.
Jim, J.D is flatlining give me ….. stat.
Clear zhhzz.
he´s dead Jim.

Terran Civilan
I wanna be all I can be.
I tell ya what I think´ll join up.
I have (innilokunarkennd)Though.
I hope they wont put me in any tight place.(SCV).
Ah,what tha hell,I need that collage money.

Terran Vulture
I don´t have time to fuck around.
You keep pushin´ me boy
and I will scrap you along with the aliens.

Terran Siege Tank
Syngur eitthvað lag fyrst dadarra dadarra da da
I´m about to drop the hammer.
What´s your major nailfunction.

Terran Goliath
allt saman einhvejar tölur og stafir,kjafæði.

Terran Wraith
I´m just curious,why am I so good.?
I´ve got to get me one of these.
You know who the best star pilot in the fleet is.
Yours truly.
Evrybody got to die sometime Red(friend??).
My transmission is breaking up,come back.
I am the invincible,that´s right.

Terran Dropship
When you´r removing your overhead luggage,be careful.
In case of a waterlanding,you may be used as an ……device.
To hurl….please use the vomit bag in front of you.
Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride has come to a complete stop.

Terran Science vessel
E=mc,doh let me get my notepad.
Aha,Fusion ey,I will have to remember thet.
Who set all these lab monkeys free ?
Do any of you fools know how to shut down this infernal
Ahaha,the ship out of danger.

Terran Battlecruiser.
Shields up.weapons online.
We are getting way behind schedual.
I really have to go number one.
Identify yourself.

Terran Valkyrie.
This is very interesting,but stupid.
I have a way of blowing things up.
You´re being very naughty.
Who´s your mommy.
Blew her.
Hljóð:hnegg í hesti.

Jæja that´s it.Ég á eftir að koma með Zerg og Protoss seinna.

Semper Fi