Enskuritgerð sem ég gerði í einhverjum af fyrstu áföngunum í framhaldsskóla.
Man ekkert hvað ég fékk fyrir hana.

In this essay I will write about the justice system or to be more exact, its flaws in choice of punishment and the fact that often the punishment does not fit the crime. One of the most notable instances when this happens is when “white collar criminals” practically get away with their crime for they have the money to pay fines.
I believe that the justice system could be much more efficient if it were organized better. The law needs a serious make-over. It needs to define crime more appropriately; re-analyze what should be considered the more serious types of crime and come up with other, more effective, methods of punishment.

Main body
The justice system is one of the most flawed parts of the Western World. It appears as though it is not focused on justice, as one might assume, but on punishment, or the uneven distribution of justice.
Finding a punishment that fits the crime seems to be a big problem in most justice systems. Money plays a big role in this. Criminals often get two choices, a jail sentence or paying a large fine. This I feel is very discriminatory to those who have less money. This allows e.g. white collar criminals to practically get away with their crime. A more fitting punishment for the less serious crime is community service. That forces the wealthy, often well educated to give back to the community. This can be use of their education, as is often done with lawyers and it can also be picking up garbage in a community park or working in a home for disabled people. This form of punishment should be used more often, with crimes like theft, fraud and tax evasion.
When the crime is more serious the focus should be on punishment rather than reformation. Crimes like murder, serious assault, rape and child molestation should be punished by life imprisonment, without the possibility of parole. I feel reform is not an option in these cases, or that it is such a rare event that the better of two evils is to keep the reformed longer in prison for their crimes rather than let the unreformed out to continue their actions.

The justice system is flawed and we must find ways to mend it. We cannot allow money to decide if a person goes to jail or not. We must se to it that the punishment is befitting of the crime in each case.
Just ask yourself: WWCD!