Ljóðakeppni Amons og dunel

Halló. Hér ætla ég að copy/paste-a ljóðakeppni sem ég og
einhver útlendingur sömdum, eða semsagt, við vorum að
kveðast á. Þess má geta að ég er “vondi” gaurinn, og á efstu


Minas Tirith of yours will fall,
the orc will attack, yes they shall.
Osgiliath has fallen already,
my orc armyes, they are ready.

Balrog, cave troll, Uruk-hai,
maia, Gríma with his lye.
You will fall today or to morrow,
that will be for Rohan Sorrow.


Rohan’s answer will be swift
The banners raised to the sky
Gondor’s king will send you the gift
of a sword held up high

Not Balrog, nor cave troll will harm us
As we are choosen to overrule
And within our power lies thus
to make you look like a fool

Mordor, your eye will see, lidless
what armies what swords can say
and we will slain you pittyless
untill the red ending of the day…


Rohans banner wont go high,
until it will be thrown in the sky.
Thrown of fear will the world rule,
with theyre feared nine Nazgûl.

Beware Rohan, horseman yes,
you will killed, without any bless.
The lidless eye, and throne of dark,
will give you to prey his mark.

Gondor will fall anyway,
so why to fall on Mordors bay?
The Nazgûls will bring pain and death,
that should be your last damn breath!


Alas, cold are our hearts
And courage is forsaken
when hope departs 
and the lands are left to be taken

But the great power we wield
through the steel blade of light
Will bring us victory on the field
and will cause you to flee the fight

The last allience of men and elf never fell
The  white city’s glory reappears
and forever will your spirit dwell
as the crimson sunset on the fields of tears


The last alliance wont live long,
no elf can sing again song.
Elfes and men will be slain,
couse you all are insane.

Worship Sauron, the red eye,
or you will be torture to die.
The dark throne is the doom,
or you will fall under the moon.

Elrond, Arwen, Aragorn,
will be slain before theyre born.
Evil sussess to be king,
evil poetry you must sing.


Gleðileg Jól

kv. Amon