Þá eru eftirfarandi lýsingar bandarísks enskukennara í Japan eitthvað fyrir þig! Hann hefur skrifað meira en 117 færslur og er enn að. Vil fyrst benda á eftirfarandi tengil:


Þetta er þar sem þetta allt byrjar. Breytið bara 1 í einhverja tölu á milli 2 og 117 til þess að skipta um færslu (alltaf gott að byrja á 2, fara svo í 3, 4 o.s.frv. og upp í 117 til þess að átta sig á persónunum sem hann talar um.

Hér er brot úr færslu #8 sem ber titilinn Japanese Teachers Say the Darndest Things:

I have quite a few teachers who are young girls, first years, in the 21-24 age range. One of them, at the ghetto school, is really nice. A bit quirky, but still just a good, awesome person.

Anyway, we went out on a “date” once (just between friends…she has a boyfriend and at the time I had a girlfriend). During the date she was telling me about her boyfriend, so she showed me a picture she had on her cell phone. “Oh, he looks pretty cool.” I said.

Her face turned completely serious, as she said “Not really. His head is too big.” And I can't stress how serious she was here, as if this pained every waking minute of her life. To prove her point, she showed me another picture and said “Look! See? Way too big.”

I already feel bad for this guy. I mean, nobody likes to get hit with break-up lines, but I can just see her one day coming to him and saying “I'm sorry, this just isn't going to work. Your head is too big.”

Another time, we were talking about marriage or something, and I said “Well, you can marry your boyfriend, right?” She shook her head and said, “Maybe. But, if I marry my boyfriend…” Here she paused to think of how to say what she wanted to say in English, and in the interval my mind finished the sentence for her - “…our children will have big heads.”

I'm not even sure of what she really said because I was too busy internally stifling my laughter.

ALLAR færslur hans eru byggðar á RAUNVERULEGRI reynslu hans. Hver ein og einasta. Ég held það skipti litlu máli hversu oft ég les þetta, þetta er alltaf jafn fyndið.

Skemmtið ykkur við lesturinn.