Ég var búin að skrifa um þetta á Vísindum og fræðum, en finnst þetta koma öllum við svo ég geri bara kork hér líka.

Ég get ekki sagt að þetta komi mér á óvart, en dæmi hver fyrir sig. Af mbl.is:

George W. Bush, forseti Bandaríkjanna, vill að auk þróunarkenningar Charles Darwins verði kennt í skólum að þróunin hafi öll átt sér stað undir handleiðslu guðs.

Sjá meira: http://www.mbl.is/mm/frettir/erlent/frett.html?nid=1151850

Þetta er svo eins og talað út úr mínum munni:

Martin (Orlando) skifar…
To those that argue in favor of ID in the name of “fairness”:

Suppose a stranger comes over to your house, looks in your garage, and says to you “You have a very nice car. I want it.” You tell him that its your car and you want it. So, he proposes that you be allowed to have the car on Tuesdays Thrusdays and weekends, and he take it the other three days. That's “fair”, right? Well.. perhaps in a myopic sort of way it is. But, when one looks at the big picture, and realizes that you worked to earn the car, and he did not, its suddenly obvious that the only “fair” answer is that you have full use of the car and he have none.

The debate between evolution and ID is similar. Evolution has successfully undergone intense scrutiny by hundreds of thousands of scientists and scientific tests. ID has not. The only “fair” result is that evolution should be taught in science class, while ID should not.

Af The Loom: http://www.corante.com/loom/