Leoncie is a genius at writing lyrics which have such passion and impact. She enjoys saying she' s the nuclear sex-bomb from India and laughs heartily. Her friends agree. There's the humour again!

My deepest appreciation goes to KODA in Denmark (Danish composers association) for their willingness in wanting to finance Love Messages. However, By that time the CD was made entirely by Leoncie. In the Music Industry where bribes and connections, sex and ?? are used by talentless people to get ahead, KODA's offer came purely because of Leoncie' s talent, where a group of Professional Danish Musicians judged and voted her music and not family members, like in some places

I have worked with Tryggvi Hübner guitarist and Þórir Baldursson on my first LP Icelandic Man,They're fine. LOVE MESSAGES FROM OVERSEAS, my title song was programmed by Þórir Ulfarsson, and mixed by Tómas Tomasson. Pétur Hjaltested liked the song so much, that he played the keyboard solo. I'm extremely pleased with these musicians. I worked with Axel Einarsson on the song Safe Sex from the cd-STORY FROM BROOKLYN, and he did a lovely job too. These people actually know me and what I can do in the recording studio unlike the jealous retards who write insane propaganda about me.

Life's a Challenge, and she says:I Love Challenges. It makes me tough and even more determined, for a winner never quits..

Q: What' s your opinion about Awards?

A:The Applaud Dies - Awards Tarnish and Achievements are forgotten. Awards can also be bought in certain countries, by lying, cheating and deceiving.

Q: What do you hate the most?

A: Racism & Warbly voices.

Q: What is the ugliest experience that you have had in your entire life?
A:When my Sexy Loverboy was stolen, this year and broadcasted without my permission on ruv- the government owned tv station- on new years eve, and credited to some icelander. I got angry, demanded an apology, but instead a pathetic group of icelandic racists, showered me with racist e-mails, racist abuse and murder threats, which is all documented at the police station. It was MY music that was stolen. The racists here had no business abusing me. When they did that, I gave the Ku-klux-klan here, a taste of their own medicine for bothering me for over 17 years. Anyone would! In January 2003, The TV station here reported that 10% of the people in Iceland were on mental drugs.Wow! No innocent people should be scapegoats of someoneelse's insanity.
If people in other countries in the music industry had to behave the way the racist lunatics have done with me, Janet Jackson,BarryWhite,Prince,TinaTurner Stevie Wonder and no other coloured artists would exist in the musicworld today. It' s just so important to be white here.

Q: What's your opinion about the music business?

A: It' s overcrowded with Amateurs and Wannabees who will Lie, Cheat, and Deceive to win.

Ég tala aldrei illa um Íslendinga, en Ég er neytt til að beita sjálfsvörn vegna þess að nokkrir öfundsjukir, sjálfsmenntaðir tónlistarfuskarar,( adeins hérlendis) gera árásir á mig og mínar tónsmíðar,og nota fjölmiðla ad reyna að litilllækka mig í augum almennings, sem er kynþáttahatur, út af fyrir sig. Ég hef aldrei gefið íslendingum plötudóma, samt sem áður gera þau árásir á mig í blöðum og útvörpum, og gorta í tölvupósti til mín um hvað þeirra poppara eru frægir erlendis. Enn í dag hefur enginn þeirra Breiðþotu-flota eða Hotel-keðjur erlendis !