There was only one man on board the small boat. He was old and rusty with a grey beard and shoulder-long grey hair, unwashed and uncombed, making him seem even older and rustier. He was wearing brightly orange rubber pants which reached half way up his belly and all the way, and a little further, down to his heels. They were held up by suspenders which looked like they might fall apart any second. Under the orange rubber pants he wore a grey sweater made of wool. An old and torn pair of black rubber boots peaked out from underneath his stunningly bright pants. And finally, as a crown, he wore a black cap which looked even older than everything else. Underneath the cap, a pair of bright blue eyes sparkled like diamonds, quite contrary to everything else. They were amazingly blue and beautiful reminding of the sea surrounding his boat. They were almost magnetic, attracting every single soul’s attention coming their way. And once you were trapped in their hypnotizing charm they would become the center of your universe until they would again disappear in the shadow of his cap. But what was even more stunning was that while looking into his eyes the old man, with his dirty long hair, gray beard and torn clothes, suddenly didn’t look al that old.

Ekki halda aftur…
But We Will Never Stop