Hérna er smá örsaga sem ég skrifaði upp í íslensku tíma í skólanum, ástæðan fyrir því að hún er á ensku er sú að ég á auðveldara að koma frá mér lýsingum þannig…. annars þá er þetta frumraun mín til að semja eitthvað svona, vona eftir að fá uppbyggjandi gagngríni á þetta hjá mér =)

As he enterd the room he felt immediatly that his presence had been noticed by those within it. His eyes scanned the faces within looking for her face, avoiding the raging eyes of those within, feeling certain that she was in the crowd there.
After what seemed like eternity he found her face, so innocent looking with her short brown hair flowing freely around her glasses and shoulders. There she was sitting on a small chair, petrified from the stinging gaze of the others within the room, waiting for him to come and free her from the constriction of the room.
When their eyes met she let out a quiet sigh of relief for she knew that now she wouldn't have to endure any longer within those walls and was safe from the dreaded room and its wicked inhabitants.
She hesitated shortly before rushing up and towards his arms where she knew it was safe for her, it felt as time had slowed down for her while she ran towards him. When she finally reached him she clung to him and hoped that they could hurry away from there, towards safety and better times. Never again did she want to return to that dreadful room…. never again….