Ther once was an pirate called Pat O´Kennan he was from Ireland and had a sinester reputation ,he was famous for being a mean drunk but also am man of his words.He was once captured by the Royal English Navy and sent to a small island near Jamaica and was going to be hanged when he tought of an idea to escape the Britsh Empire once again he said to the guard ´´come here let me tell you about a way to make monety fast´´ the guard anwsered ´´allright then´´ and walked to Pat´s cell.At that moment Pat grapped a bone that was on the floor and stabbped him in the neck then took his keys and riffle.Pat went to the coutyard and was spotted by some English troopers and they attacked him he shot one of them then grapped his sword and cut his way threw the other 4 troopers.When Pat reached the outside he was yet again attaced by a small legion of English troppers but he killed them all then went to hide at the local bar named SCUMS BAR.SCUMS BAR was a ðlace for cutthroats and scallywags a perfect place for pirates it was stinky and dirty and dark.Pat was there to drink rum and also to gather a crew to go and rob a spanish treasure fleet.After 4 bottles of rum an old man walked up to Pat and asked him were he was from Pat answered that he was born and raised in Ireland the old man said to him 'only whores and thieves come from Ireland´´.So Pat picked upthe sword he got from the English trooper but the bartender shot it away with his pistol and said that swords are supposed to be holstere.That did not stop Pat at all he just grapped a chair and started beating the old man.after a minute there whas a puddle of blood on the floor and the old man was dead Pats cloathes and shoes were realy bloody the bartender aimed his pistol at Pat and said ´´thats enough throw that corpse out or ill shot ya´´.Meanwhile the English were handing out drawings of Pat he had a piece of cloth on his head and long hair he also had a scar from his lips to his chin and was realy dirty the picture looked just like him.Later Pat was talking to some shady men in the corner of SCUMS BAR one had a peg leg and a lot of scars oubviously an expirianced fighter his name was Steve he was called scar Steve.Another one was really dirty and stinky and had a big skull tattoo he was called Dave the Sea Dog.The last one at the table was a German gunner named Hanz he had a parrot on his shoulder and really long hair.Those men were going to be a part of Pats Crew they were also going to hire more crewsmen.Pat found his old ship the Sea Banshee its new owner was the governor of the island.Pat wanted the Sea Banshee back so he stole it and killed the governor.Now he was heading for Port Royal a place were pirates could roam around free and kill and rob because the pirates scared the French away from this English collony.