Þar sem ég ætla mér að verða rithöfundur á einn eða annan hátt ætla ég að athuga hvort ég geti skrifað ögn lengri sögur á ensku (tungumálinu sem ég hef ætlað mér að gefa helst út á). Þetta er svona æfinga og tilraunaverkefni hjá mér.

Two siblings walked through the streets of Fingoville, a city of the smaller kind. Their names were Belial Sonneillon and Deumos Sonneillon. Belial was an older brother and Deumos was the exact opposite; a younger sister.
It shall be put to light that although they weren‘t any kinds of saints, their business was as pure as any other walk home from an unusually boring party. The thing that made look so suspicious were simply their looks; two half-demons dressed in long, black coats.
,, Stupid Geo, ‘‘mumbled Belial and kicked a tier of a car they walked by. ,, Can‘t take my lil‘sister to a party without having him overstuff the apartment with some lousy cocaine! He know that my lil’sister only like good cocaine,’’ He nudged Deumos which chuckled a bit. She didn’t mention it, but she despised those party’s that her brother always dragged her to. All the worst scums of the city were usually there, taking in whatever was closest to their nose or needle.
,, Right, and did you see those blokes that he dragged in there? I mean, he really can’t go as low as…’’ Deus, like she was usually called, stopped talking and started to listen. Small choruses echoed through the streets.
,, Huh, some crowd a few blocks behind. No biggy,’’ commented Belial. ,,Probly sum… faggot rights movement or something. C’mon, my lil’sister ain’t scared, is she? Scared of some faggot lickers, eh?’’ Deus stopped and turned to face the sounds.
,,Beli, I don’t think this is gay pride or some other shit,’’ she hazarded to comment. ,, Listen…,’’ Belial flapped his long ears. After a while he hissed and flashed his fangs.
,,Galadorians?’’ Belial spat the words out. ,,Here?’’Galadorians, they were a religious movement bent to worship the angel Galador; the bane of all demons and devils and the hunter of evil. The scrolls that serve as witnesses to his glory did not speak kindly of half-demons, context or not. Deus tried even harder to sort out the words that were now becoming clearer. After a short while she was sure; that truly was a mass of Galadorians singing worshipping choruses for their angel.
,,Oh no,’’ moaned Deus. ,,Come on, lets get the fuck out here,’’
,,No,’’ said Belial. ,,We don’t have to run. Let’s just walk as if we had nothing to fear,’’
,,So we have something to fear?’’
,,I mean, what could they possibly do? Call us devils and evil and stuff like that? It’s all they ever do,’’ Belial straightened up. Deus sighed.
,,Please, for me? I don’t like those types at all,’’ she complained and pulled her brothers sleeve. Belial stood quiet for a while and then continued his way home. Deus didn’t realize it at first and had to jump a few steps to keep up. The shouts and unpleasant verses came closer. Deus saw before her an army of torch bearing kithrikth’s and humans. Galadorians always scared her, wherever she was. Her brother maintained a steady speed. It wasn’t long before she could clearly hear their footsteps. She dared look back. A way back the street a large group of people carrying posters and signs featuring devilish demons and friendly angels was marching. They sang in a chorus about the evil deeds of the demon race. Deus’s heart pounded.
,,Belial, please,’’ she whispered anxious. Belial didn’t answer.
,,HEY!’’ an elderly voice boomed from the front of the crowd. ,,Look! Look at them! DEMONS!’’ Deus closed her eyes and pulled the hood over her head, covering her horns. She promised herself not to cry, although a tear was breaking out. The group ran towards them, shouting curses and insults. They were at their heels and Deus could feel the occasional litter bounce from her back. She didn’t look at them, she only bowed her head and kept close to her brother. The shouting increased, and so did the litter throwing. Deus was shocked when her brother turned to the Galadorians.
,,WHAT!?!?’’ he screamed. ,,WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY MOTHER!?!’’ No, Deus thought completely demolished, oh god no.
,,I said she should have killed herself rather than give birth to an offspring of a raper-devil!’’ an intimidating voice shouted back. Belial sprang into an attack position and leapt at the crowd. Deus found herself pushed to the ground and couldn’t see because of all the legs kicking her and all the fists punching her. But she could distinctly hear her brothers’ battle-cries slowly fading. Deus put her hands before her head and amateurishly tried to kick at her tormentors. Suddenly they withdrew a little bit, and for the first time in her life she was happy to hear the whistles of the City Police Corps. She could smell the teargas and hear the retreating footsteps of the Galadorians. A policeman in studded armor broke through the crowd and stood over Deus armed with a riot-shield and a stun-baton. The Galadorians quickly ran away. The policeman dragged her off. Through his helmet she could make the outlines of a brutish face; the small fat horns and a fat fang from the lower jaw pointed to an orc or and half-orc. Sometimes they were just as hated as the half-demons.
,,Got’ya kid,’’ he said and carefully laid Deus back on the street. The Galadorians were nowhere in sight, but on the street some meters away Deus saw the outlines of a coat clad body. Blood flowed from it in small streams. She closed her eyes and cursed her brothers’ foolish bravery.