I woke up this mornig with my phone ringing, so I turn'd it off and went back to bed, then I thought to myself, why was the phone ringing..I can´t think of a reason why the…oh no, I´m late for work, wait..where am I working today, why am I working…what day is it today..it´s…..then I fell back to sleep. I woke up some hours later, realising that it was my day off, and that the night before I put the phone on a alarm clock mode ´couse I had to meet this guy that morning, which I didn´t….I got up that afternoon and took a shower, dry´d off and put some deodering on me before I put on the clothes, desited to go to the library, put the shues on and started walking..as I was walking and thinging to myself what a lovely little storm there is tryin to blow my hat off with the rest of my clothes I started noticing little, and some what bigger monsters, monsters of all kind,there where vampires, wherewolfs and heredogs, big pizzas with extra cheeze, punks and hippie´s, witches and wisards..there where some good ones as well, like the fairy-tale-good-mother-of-all-fairytales and some elfs, all trying to keep they´r clothes on becouse of the wind, just as myself..I quess thats the reason why these monsters didn´t jump me right then..So I couln´t but think to myself, I wonder in which dimension I woke up to this morning, or have I woken up at all??..then I sough it..Harry Potter walking there with his broomstick and that friend that nobody remembers the name on..and I realized what was going on..it´s Öskudagur…It´s a day quite simular to Helloween..only, instead of walking from house to house saying..trick´o tread..being all cute and all so people give them candy..here in Iceland the little monsters/kids go from shop to shop and sing..being all cute and all so people give them candy..the same thing only diffrent methop..and here i was thinging maybe I was going insane..seein things..late flashback..but, no..it´s just Öskudagur..!

Back to reality…

I was, in a wierd kind of way..liking it there…there it was, my chance of fighting off monsters and Harry Potters, just like in the movies..but I was pushed into reality again with no mercy..bastards!