His cold, merciless eyes glowed with passion as he watched the blood flow freely from the gigantic chest wound he had just inflicted on the quivering form of a another man laying at his feet. He delivered another blow with his now bloody sword to the man’s abdomen. He felt alive…More alive than he had felt the last time he’d done the dreadful things he was doing now, he’d lost count long ago…How many times before? he thought to himself as he watched the body laying before him go from quivering to lifeless.
He smirked, his work here was done…for now
He lit a match and threw at the body slowly watching the form fade into the flames.

“Another life has been taken and all odds are that this one fell at the hands of the same murderer as all the other ones, probably stabbed and then burned.”

He felt disgusted, what…how…why, why would someone do that to another human, another creature? A living thing…
His gut twisted into a tight knot, he didn’t remember last night…not at all.
He groaned out loud.
“Daddy?” came a small voice belonging to a little girl standing in her pink pajamas
“Yes sweetheart?” the man’s rough voice filled the room
“Where were you last night?” she asked innocently
His heart leaped and the dull thump of his heart sped up… “What the fuck should I tell her…?”
“Daddy went out with a couple of friends…weren’t you all right here at home?”
He quickly lied, the girl nodded shyly biting her thumb.
“I’m sorry princess” he hesitated, “Do you want to go have some breakfast?”
A smile adorned the girl’s lips and she eagerly replied “I’d love to daddy!”
He smiled back at his precious little girl and took her hand trying to cover up his shaking hands, what the hell should he do?…Maybe it was him? Fear overtook him, maybe….maybe he was the one taking away innocent lives, fear and panic overtook him.
He told his little girl he’d be right back and rushed up the stairs to his bedroom, a place he hadn’t dared to go into for what…one…two years?
He hadn’t been the same after he lost his wife and hadn’t gone into that room since.
He took a deep breath, tried to mentally prepare himself and slowly turned the round knob and pushed the door open.
Tears rushed to his eyes as he saw what lay on the simple wooden double bed that hadn’t been used in a while, dust covered everything in the room except the bed. The simple white sheets were coated in various shades of red and in the middle of the bed lay the sword…the sword he had inherited from his wife’s late father. It was wrapped in a simple black cloak but he could make out a distinct shape of it, he panicked, it must be him…all the pieces fit together…his memory lapses the days of the murders…”Shit” he cursed loudly. What if the police…what if anyone found out? Why the hell hadn’t he figured it out before? It all…fit
He slowly lifted the sword and examined it thoroughly and felt a surge of power course through him, he smirked as vivid memories of past nights came back to him.
“Daddy!?” came a frightened voice from the doorframe, the girl stood there, frozen in place out of fear.
The sword fell on the hardwood floor and a loud clang echoed through the small room, he gasped, the girl seemed to gain her senses when the sword fell, she screamed and ran out of the house.
He stood there only for a moment before sprinting after his last precious person.
She was lost…he looked everywhere in the end he gave up exhausted and frightened
He alerted the authorities thought hesitantly. After all he was probably the reason behind the entire nation’s fright. They searched, summer faded into autumn, autumn to winter and still no sign of his little girl.

“A body has been found in a small house in the suburbs, it was most likely suicide, the man has yet to be identified. The weapon used was a sword. Further information later on.”

A small cat, maybe even a kitten was slowly heading up the hill the man was currently heading down, his sword hidden beneath the dark cloak he frequently wore.
The cat shivered lightly from the cold and the man noticed so he picked up the cat and ever so lightly stroked it’s head so it purred a little, the man smiled slightly and put the cat down, it slowly went it’s way and after the cat disappeared from view the man kept going at a slow pace, he was in no rush…He had found his last precious person.

Ég veit ekki alveg hvað þetta er sjálf, en þetta var saga sem ég skrifaði bara svona because I felt like it ^^ ég bara…byrjaði að skrifa og þegar ég rankaði við mér var þetta svona, og já hún er á ensku því ég get einfaldlega ekki skrifað sögur á íslensku, og já lame titill ég veit. En þetta var það fyrsta og eina sem mér datt í hug sem passaði við og var ekki alveg…útúr kú.
Og já, það er Parvati að kenna að hún er hérna, she made me! :c

Enjoy? Rsum =D
You can't hold no groove if you ain't got no pocket!