Daginn! Mig langaði að setja eina sögu sem ég er að gera fyrir enskuna hérna og gá hvað öðrum finnst um hana.. Þar sem ég les lítið sjálf þá hef ég ósköp lítið vit á þessu og þetta kanski ekki besta saga.. og það er ekki ´búið að fara yfir hana. En hún er ensku..

Svo segið bara ykkar skoðun..

The Car

When I was going to get my sister at my moms house did something strange happend. I walk towards the car with the keys in my hand, then suddenly the car turned on the lights, then turned off them again. I thougt it was just nothing. Then the samething happend again but the lights lighted in other other direction, the direction leaded to my neighbours house at one of the windows. I was shocked, I was to afraid to go to the car. But in a while I did go into the car. When I got in the car I checked anything in him, but anything was normal. Then I just keeped going to my moms house to get my sister. I had drove a littel while when the car started to drove backward. I tried to stop the car but nothing worked, then I tried to switche of the car and than he stopped. I gave me a littel while to breath, than I tried to swiche on the car but nohing happend. I rang a workshop for an repairman! They send a man at once. While he was comeing to me, I thought all the time what was happing?. Then in ten minutes the repairman was here, he looked at the car but din't see anything wrong with him. He tried to swiche on the car and he switche on. After that the repairman did go his way. I was angry, I din't know what was wrong with the car.. I kicked the car once and then got into him and keepted going. When I got to my moms house where cops everywhere. I ran into the house and tried find my mom, see was crying, I asked what was wrong! She said that my littel sister was found dead at my naighbours house. I fell down, then I got up and ran to my car. When I got to the car I started to cry, know I understood the car was trying to tell my what had happend or trying to let me come for this to happend. I can't belive this my sister is dead and I could had rescue her. I hated my self, I reced out for my shaveknive. I could not stop thing about my sister, dead! I started to cut my neck, in a while I just lied there, dead!

Takk fyrir mig..