Fleiri Neighbours brandarar Hér kemur væn gusa af Neighbours bröndurum, á ný skal varað við því að flestir af þessum bröndurum eru mjög lélegir :)


Who in Neighbours is environmentally friendly?
Amy GREENwood.

Which character spends all day in the bathroom?

What place in Neighbours is of the highest altitude?
Erinsborough High.

What would a member of the Bishop household think about these jokes?
They're A-PAUL-ING.

What Bond film does a certain Kennedy like?

Which Neighbours character would you make a cup of hot liquid with?

Which Neighbours actress is romantic?
Kym Valentine (Libby)

What Neighbours character is used to start fires?
A Madge-stick.

Which family like to jump?
The BisHOPs

Why didn't Paul's walkman work?
The Battery Acid leaked out..

What sort of questions can you ask Dan Paris?
Drew or False questions.

Which Neighbours character has four legs and barks?
Bob the Dog (sennilega lélegasti brandarinn af öllum)

Which neighbour is good at sums?
(T) add Reeves

Who was Paul's favourite S Club 7 member?

What type of entertainer does Harold like?
A Madge-ician (magician)

Which character can you put on your floor?
Lou CARPET - er

Who is NOT the youngest character in Neighbours?
Har-OLD Bishop

Which Scottish city is Drew from?
Fal - KIRK

Why did Joe Scully get annoyed with Felicity?
Because she kept FLICKING through the TV channels.

Which 2 characters like to swim?
Toadfish and Tad(pole)

What is madges favourite kind of margerine?
I can't believe its not butter (no its (madge)rine)!!!

How does Harold Bishop get around London?
Via the tuba.

Why is Neighbours called Neighbours ?
Because they all live next to each other

Which neighbours character reminds you of a toilet ?

What Neighbours character is really sweet?

What family should Bill Kennedy belong to ?
The Carpenters

Why did Paul shoot a terrorist?
Because his second name is McClane

Which Neighbours character liked making pictures of a Star Trek character?
Drew Kirk

Which Neighbours character had an accident in the big town?
Felicity (Fell - in - city)

Which Neighbours character likes jousting with a razor?
Lance Wilkinson


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