Viðtal við Jerri (Enginn spoiler) Hér er viðtal við Jerri… tíkina úr Ogakor. Öll heimsbyggðin fagnaði þegar hún loks fór.
Richard, vinningshafi Survivor eitt tók þetta viðtal við hana STRAX og hún kom úr keppninni.
Ég er búinn að lesa þetta vel yfir og það er ENGINN SPOILER ! Ég lofa . . . . .
Jerri segir m.a. í viðtalinu “I also keep in touch with ALICIA because her and I have such similar personalities.” Hvaða bull ? Hún og Alicia hafa ekkert líkan persónuleika. Þær eru eins og svart og hvítt, ekki baun líka !


Richard: You were right out there. Everything you felt was right out there. Was that a problem, would you do that differently?
Jerri: I think if I were to do anything differently I would work more on my patience, I wouldn't change the way I am and the way I played the game. If I had issues with somebody I expressed it openly and I expected the people to do the same to me. If I'm bugging someone and they let me know then I'm the kind of person that will adjust and apologize and you did actually see me apologize to Keith at some point.

Richard: Now here's where I could strangle you, you expected them to apologize to you, then you kept saying that “it's only a game to play.” Should you really apologize to everybody in a game again like that?

Jerri: Well, with Ogakor at one point, there was a gray area that we were hanging out in. TINA was very into sitting around the campfire at night and being open and honest with each other and sharing true feelings and once she opened that forum for me I felt like it was a good opportunity for me to step outside of the game and apologize for things that I did feel bad about.
Richard: That's when I would have used that time, when they were supposedly opening up, and just played really hard. What do you think about the way KEITH and you interacted early on?

Jerri: We just did not get along. In life there's just certain people you meet, your personalities clash, the difference is in real life you can walk away from that person and you don't have to deal with them but in that situation we were forced to be around each other constantly. With Keith it was very interesting because at the beginning of the game he was getting on everybody's nerves, so for me to be verbal about it was OK because I knew other people were kind of feeling negatively towards him and at one point he was gone. Tina turned that around at the Tribal Council where MITCHELL was instead voted off because she rallied everyone to think he was strong and we needed his strength, when in actuality the following challenges had nothing to do with strength. I kept thinking Mitchell would have been perfect for the maze- - he could have seen over the wall.

Richard: The flipping and flopping that Tina did early on was not good game play, she looks like she's playing really well now. What do you personally think about Tina?

Jerri: I think Tina plays the game well.

Richard: What about COLBY?

Jerri: Colby as well, Colby is kind of an interesting character.

Richard: There've been reports that that massage went a lot further.

Jerri: (hlær) No, no, it didn't, and I was massaging him because it was after the challenge where he had the water buckets on his back.

Richard: Of course, he needed it.
Jerri: He was really sore and I was just helping a guy out. (hlær aftur)

Richard: You know, this spotlight, it really brings the press in, in a way that's very personal. There are stories out there about Colby having a drunk-driving character. What skeletons are in your closet?

Jerri: Oh you haven't read? (hlær enn einu sinni)
Richard: I haven't looked in your closet quite yet, I was too busy in Colby´s.
Jerri: (hlær) Actually the tabloids have had their fair share of fun with me. Every week there's something new. It's amazing to me how many ex-boyfriends come out of the woodworks and tell the most ridiculous stories. There had been little to nothing that has been said that has been true.

Richard: Who, of the people in the Outback, are you least likely to continue a relationship with?
Jerri: I am least likely to continue a relationship with Keith. It's kind of unfortunate because I was really curious whether he could cook a gourmet meal or not. (hlær) I really was excited because he talked about food constantly.

Richard: All of the players were decent people. Who are your favorites?

Jerri: My all-time favorite is Mitchell. I love Mitchell, he is always very positive and affectionate, caring, giving and kind. I also keep in touch with ALICIA because her and I have such similar personalities.