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Það sem ég ætlaði að segja er að það er leikur að koma út í næsta mánuði(eða stefnt á að gefa hann út þá) sem heitir Mourning(áður þekkur sem Realms of Torment). Eftir að hafa skoðað mikið þá leiki sem eru á markaðnum í dag, og þá sem eru væntanlegir, þá verð ég að segja að Mourning virðist vera sá eini sem að er að koma með eitthvað virkilega ferskt inn.

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How will Mourning differ from other MMORPGs?

Mourning will take a different approach than previous MMORPG's have in regards to character progression and character development in a game world. Instead of focusing on a single static character, you will have a bloodline or lineage that will evolve as time goes on. Mourning will give the player the opportunity to stand out from the crowd and create a unique name for himself within the world. Mourning will also be highly geared towards roleplayers.

How will magic differ in Mourning?

Mourning gives users the unique ability to create your own spells by using magic skills you learn and applying factors to them. Instead of having 100 different types of a direct damage spell, you will be able to create spells based on your own fighting style, preference and need per situation. The more advanced magic users will be able to cast spells of great power, will be able to bind an item with a spell to create a mighty weapon or even bind a spell to a city or keep (to protect or harm).

What are the different “parts” of casting magic?

Arcane: A magic skill. Many different factors can effect each type of arcane skills, such as:
Area of Effect
Effect Strength in time
Effect Lasting
Effect Beginning
(possibly others)

Factors: (or modifiers) The abilities of an arcane. This would include:

Area of Effect: self, target, self area, target area
Effect Lasting: absolute, period, point
Effect Beginning: instant, casting time, timer
Effect Strength: overall power of spell

Will Mourning be an open PvP Enviroment?

Player vs. player combat will be an option. When we say “optional,” we mean the option of engaging in player vs. player combat will always be available. The core of the game world is based on player vs. player strife.

Will the be “safe zones?”

There will not be “safe zones” from PvP type situations.

Will PvP combat be “hack and slash?”

No, PvP will take a degree of player skill. The person with the best weapon is not guranteed a win. The player with the best knowledge of how combat systems operate will have an advantage.

Will there be Perma Death?

In most online RPG's there are only temporary deaths; however, this is one of the areas where Mourning breaks away from the rest of the MMORPG's. In Mourning, a player can permanently die.
Bloodline death, which occurs after 500 hours of game play.
Battles with gods
High risk vs reward type situation such as quests that carry the risk of permanent death.
You will be notified if you are entering into one of these situations.

What is the Bloodline?

The bloodline system is your way to live through your descendents upon old age and eventual permanent death. In order to have a bloodline, you need to create an NPC child. The bloodline child is your prime's replacement in the case of permanent death. It is the character that you will play when your prime dies.

How do you get children?

Children come from:
Your character marries another character and produces an NPC child. Currently, children produced this way receive the benefit of learning the same skills of his/her parent at a faster rate. (Gender outcome can be influenced.) This will produce the best child possible, and will be the only way to get the skill gain bonus.
Adopt an NPC child from your clan or village.
Parenting an NPC child of a friend.
Through divine intervention you might receive an NPC child, i.e. prayer to a god. (Gender outcome can be influenced through prayer and divinating acts)

What perks are there to having a long bloodline?

There are some perks that go along with having a long bloodline, these include but not limited to:
The possibility of becoming a hero

The possibility of participating in the game storyline

Special abilities one such ability is called “Noble blood”.

Gaining skills at a much faster rate.

Having access to riches passed down from generation to generation

Inheriting your bloodlines fame within the world

What type of political groups will there be in Mourning?

There will be several forms of political groups; the following is a list with their definitions:

An Order: A player made guild that is not limited to territory. Alliance between two or more player guilds (orders) can occur. Further, an order can control a collection of villages, cities or realms under the rule of a body.

An Alliance: Alliance between two or more player guilds (orders). Not limited to territory. This can be international. A collection of villages, cities or realms under the rule of a body.

Guild: A guild of players belonging to one profession. Examples: Blacksmith guild, mage guild, tailor guild, etc.

Clan: A clan consists of those born in the same village. Clans follow the rules of their home territory (a village-city, or realm if their village-city is aligned with one).

Territory: Geographical area inhabited or owned by a community.
What type of territories can be controlled?

Players and player organizations can control co-exist under the rule of another player group, be independent or rule a territory. The following is a list of manifestations and their definitions that the above can take in the world of Krel:

Villages: A small community, generally of the same race, living in a small established area. These can be “free” having no alliance to a city, realm or empire. Limited to small areas. Villages follow the rules of the realm they belong to (if they belong to one).

Cities: Larger then a Village. These can be “free” having no alliance to a realm or empire. Limited to one area. Cities follow the rules of the realm they belong to (if they belong to one).

Realms: A collection of villages and cities under the rule of a realm. These can be “free” having no alliance to an empire. Limited to local territory. Realms are ruled by a monarchy or a council. If a player proves worthy enough, they can take over the position of realm ruler. Realms can ally in order to battle invading forces. a.k.a. a kingdom.

Empires: Empires are formed for the one goal of expanding territory. They are larger than a realm. No territorial limit. Empires can consist of villages, cities and realms. Usual government is autocratic.

Allegiance: You can change allegiance of any sort at any time as long as the clan, village, city, realm, or empire that you belong to is not at war with your new choice. There are no bonuses to character stats by choosing or not choosing who to align with.

Ef þið hafið einhvern áhuga á því að lesa meira, þá mæli ég með því að kíkja á F.A.Q. á official heimasíðu leiksins: http://www.realmsofkrel.com/faq.html
-State of mind… I'd like to go there someday-